Sunday, January 02, 2005

This One's for You Shane

Here is a condensed bio ......the long version would be way too boring for the average bear.

Age:3o something....not too old to believe in Santa Claus not old enough to be in the history books....that would make me roughly 37...even tho I look a loooot younger...wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

Occupation: waitress at the International House of Pancakes in Huntsville, Alabama. Why a waitress? Because, and I swear this is true, I LIKE being a waitress. Since my husband has a half decent job, it frees me from the desperation that so many servers have to endure while trying to pay their bills on 2.13 an hour. Plus, if you like to observe people from all walks of life, that's the way to do it.

Hobbies: I love to read, I looooove to talk, music (any kind except death metal and gansta rap...really, what is the point?) reading (also give it to me and I will read it) ...oh, and did I mention I love to talk?

Two kids, Lukas and Jakob.....2 and 1...same birthday, different years (seriously) that I had, one that I adopted, Joshua 11. All great guys but it is sometimes frustrating that I live in a house full of men. Even the cat is a guy.

Husband of almost 4 years, Grover. Most days I love him...some days...well.....never mind. By the way, his real name is Stacy but he looks like Grover from Sesame Street ;-), hence the nickname.

My personal attitude is that life is great.....just moments may suck at times.

I have come to the conclusion that some people are destined for greatness; however, I am destined for okayness. And that is fine by me.

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