Wednesday, January 05, 2005

I am lonely most of the time. That is a fact. I am married with 3 kids, a cat and some fish but I am lonely most of the time. If I attempt to engage in conversation with my husband about anything other than the kids and the bills, then it turns into a bloodletting argument for some reason or the other. ( He has made politics, religion, and personal relationships pretty much off limits.) I think most of it has to do with the fact that I am too sensitive and he is not . In his quest for total honesty, he often engages in verbal brutality, while I engage in the counter attack. Maybe I am too vocal. Maybe I just need to shut up for awhile. Maybe I just need to stop trying. I think I will. It's too hard and I'm too tired.


Shane said...

I'm a bit worried now. This doesn't sound like you at all. There was no trace of sarcasm or humor of any sort. I don't know what to think. What's going on? Is it the cigarettes?

sprinkle4 said...

Nah.....I'm fine. Just once every two or three months I have to take dip in the mud puddle of self pity;-). I'm out now.....just gotta clean my floors where I tracked this stuff all through the house! Thanks for your concern. It is appreciated more than you will know.:-)