Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Musings and a Rant or Two

Why does my husband expect me to be his personal alarm clock? He will set his alarm for 615 a.m., turn it off and then expect me to get him up in time for work. And if I somehow don't manage to coddle him awake on time, then it is somehow my fault that he can't get up on time. WTF?

....I once asked my husband if he thought I was beautiful. His response was "I don't call anyone beautiful, but you are above average." For some unknown reason, that struck me as quite funny and to this day, three years later, when I think about that it cracks me up. (I don't think my mind is altogether well somedays ;-))

.......why is it that men marry a woman hoping she will never change and a woman marries a man hoping that she can change him?

....why won't my kids ever fall asleep or stay asleep at the same time?

......why do most people not want their significant others to have friends of the opposite sex?

....why do women marry men that are just like their fathers?

....why do so many women need a man/relationship to validate their worth as a human being?

....why do I always need information?

It should be against the law for the garbage men to come pick up your trash before 8 a.m.

.....why, if you are over 35, are you suddenly 'old'?

...why do people accuse men of only having 'one thing' their minds when women think about it just as often?

...why is it bad for a woman to like sex as much as a man?

Who said only kids ask why all the time?

Peace all.....


Shane said...

Whoa! Overload! I don't know where to begin. I can't answer your questions, but instead I'll say that you're the female version of me. I'm sorry to have to say that -- I know it hurts. Keep the sarcasm/cynicism coming; I love it!

sprinkle4 said...

Well, they say everyone's got a twin somewhere.....you weren't adopted were ya?