Sunday, January 09, 2005

Apologies to My Husband

I can be a difficult woman to live with at times. I realize this. And because my husband, despite his faults, is a wonderful man, he still loves me, despite my faults. And so I would like to take a moment to offer some apologies to him.

I am sorry for turning the air conditioner on 50 in the middle of the night in December because I have hot flashes. I know, I could have at least covered you up.

I am sorry for punching you in the face when I was in labor with our first child. I don't remember doing it but the nurses said I did and you did sport that unsightly bruise for a week.

I am sorry for looking embarassed when you do your James Brown imitation in public.

Please forgive me for sometimes hiding your car keys and seeing how long it takes you to find them.

I apologize for laughing at you that time you fell down (even though it was incredibly funny at the time;-)).

I am sorry for putting too much bleach in your underwear when I was doing the laundry, even though you gotta admit that the breeze felt good for a while.

Forgive me for accidentally erasing your saved game from Pokemon-Ruby Red Edition. (What was I thinking?)

I am sorry that I forgot to feed the fish today but at least I fed the kids.

I apologize for sometimes thinking that Ramen noodles is a gourmet meal. (But hey, everything looks good in candlelight.)

I am sure that there is a much longer list of things for which I need to apologize but this is all I can think of right now.

And, here's a reminder for when things get bad and you are really angry. Don't forget: you picked me!

Love ya cuz!!

P.S. Don't try to poison know the kids taste my food before I ever get a chance to eat it!


grover said...

I just wanted to say one thing;
Thanks for the apology, but you have nothing to apologize for. As you point out, I did pick you. If anything, I should be apologizing for being a sub-par husband. Thank you for sticking with me though. I can't imagine a world without you in it.
While I am on this subject. Thank you for all the joy you have brought into my life. Thank you for our children. Thank you for putting up with my Male Pattern Stupidity.
Love ya "cuz"

sprinkle4 said...

Darnit, I hate it when you do that to me!!!;-) You're not a sub-par're a sub-contractor husband! LOLOLOL!!!! Can we save the mushiness now? I'm gettin' a sugar rush here!

Peace.....and love....I guess;-)

Oh great One said...

How sweet you are!

You convinced me that me and my husband aren't the only couple that make other people sick!

It's a good thing really!