Monday, January 03, 2005

Can I Do This? And How?

Three weeks ago I decided that for my one and only true New Year's resolution that I would quit smoking. Okay....I have been smoking for 20 years and for the past 5 years or so have been smoking two packs a day. Today is the first day of my effort to become smoke-free. I set up everything like the 'experts' said. I threw away all of my lighters and ashtrays and so on. I set a date to quit (today) and it is has been 6 hours since my last cigarette. (I smoked my last one on the way home from work this morning).

The problem? I already feel like I am losing my mind!!! For those of you who have never smoked I can honestly tell you that there have been days when a cigarette was better than sex (no that is not an indictment of my sex life merely a comment on how good these things can make you feel).

So, do I try this cold turkey thing a little while longer? Do I try to wean myself off a little at a time or what? Bear in mind, not only am I concerned about myself, I am concerned about people who have to deal with me during this. I'm not sure what to do but I sure could use a cigarette.


Shane said...

Oh man. I don't know what to tell ya. I have never smoked myself, but both of my parents smoked like chimneys the whole time I was growing up.

When I want to break a habit or start a habit, I choose the cold turkey approach. I'm sort of a glutton for punishment in a way. I like to test my self-discipline. A couple of weeks ago I decided that I wasn't going to eat anything all week for no other reason than to test myself, so I have no problem gritting my teeth and taking the pain.

How 'bout this: think about your kids. Not only are you pumping second-hand smoke into their tiny lungs, but you're also teaching them that smoking is acceptable -- 'If mommy does it, then it must my ok.' Not to mention, do you want to exacerbate the risk of cancer? What would they do without you? What about your husband? Could he live without you?

If you're smoking two packs a day, I think it might be healthier and more likely for you to succeed if you slowly weened yourself. I'm talking out my ass here ---> I wouldn't listen to me if I were you. Good luck either way.

sprinkle4 said...

Thanks for the advice....I think that the cold turkey approach may be a bit much for my family to deal with. And you are right..I would never want my kids to have to deal with me not being around. That would leave them alone with their dad and he would be insane in a week! Of course I would listen to make a lot of your voice drowns out the other ones in my head ;-).