Wednesday, January 12, 2005


I wonder what my children are going to be when they grow up?

Lukas may be a swimmer. I think this because as he was sitting at the kitchen table eating dinner, I saw him lay himself across the table and turn his head from side to side.

Jakob may be a scientist. He enjoys picking up one pea at a time, holding it in the air, studying it and then eating it. One at a time...that makes for a realllly loooong dinner.

They may be plumbers. They both enjoy sticking their hands in the toilet for no apparent reason and just swishing them around.

They may be mechanics. If there is a grease spot in any parking lot, know that they will find it...especially if it is the church parking lot.

They may be trashmen. They love empty cans more than anything else. They won't eat what's on their plate half of the time but the trash can is a veritable cornucopia, horn o' plenty, mini grocery store.

They may be wrestlers. They love to jump off of anything, especially if the landing zone includes me or their father.

I don't know what they'll be when they grow up. However, I do know one thing.......Mom wants a lovely little beach cottage. Remember that boys or I'll come to live with you when you get grown! (Me and the 20 or so cats I will have collected by then!)

P.S. Parents, be good to your kids. Remember, one day they'll be picking your nursing home!


grover said...

20 CATS!!!!!!!!!'r father will be living in a cardboard box.....DOWN BY THE RIVER!

Oh great One said...

I SOOOO look forward to reading your blogs. You keep me in stitches!

grover said...

sorry bout have insurance? :)