Thursday, January 06, 2005

Random Thoughts

1. The two phrases every husband should know and should put into good use are: "Okay" and "I'm sorry." If you use the first one often enough then you should almost never have to use the second one.

2. I love watching my husband look for something when I already know where it is and I am just too lazy to get up and get it for him.

3. I am much more comfortable in the company of males than I am in the company of females. I don't know why. My husband says it is because I am an overgrown tomboy.

4. I will only wear a dress if I am going to a funeral or a wedding. They are uncomfortable and I can't put my feet up on anything while I am wearing one.

5. Whenever possible, I DO put my feet up on something. The only exception to this is if I am at church or a restaurant.

6. My husband is balding and I am not. There are days when I find a perverse sort of pleasure in asking him if he has seen my brush. He will always respond with "What the heck am I gonna do with it?"

7. I love my husband because he has put up with me for a long time and has yet to climb a clocktower.

8. Why do my kids wait until I am in the bathroom trying to pee when they decide they just have to have a hug from me?

9. The best birthday present I have ever gotten: two years ago on my 35th birthday, we were dead broke and my husband spent his last $2.00 at the used bookstore for some books for me. (Thank goodness our financial situation has improved but I still have those books in a special place on the bookcase in my bedroom.)

10. Everyone in my family has a nickname. I don't know why but we all do. Mine is Funky Funky Fresh Princess (don't ask), my husband's is Grover, Lukas is Puppy and Jakob is Fish.

11. Our fish (not Jakob, the ones in the tank) are so would think they could learn to do some tricks or something. Grover won't let me cook em though. But I figure if I take one a day out he'll never notice. Especially if I hide his glasses.

12. Grover never puts his glasses where he will remember where they are when he goes to sleep. So he forgets overnight but I don't. Once again, watching him look for something when I know where it is. (That's why I wear extended wear contacts!)

13. Grover......if ya read this know that I love ya cuz! And don't kill me in my sleep. Remember, the last time you tried that I woke up.;-)




MRMacrum said...

Your favorite birthday present brings to mind O'Henry's "Gift of the Magi". It is odd how we seem to cherish the tokens of desperate times over the wealth of the good times.

Thank you for the comeback. I have been surfing blogs and I have to say, feeling a connection to most of them can be a real chore. I felt at home on yours right away.


sprinkle4 said...

Thank you very much!:-)

Shane said...

My God woman! More gold! How do you do it? We need to figure out a way for you to sell these. Brilliant!

*Remember the 10% finders fee.

Anonymous said...

You are a very clever woman!

I am married with children also and I can identify with so much of what you said! Thanks for giving me a laugh!

Anonymous said...

sounds to me like you just want a man to torment above you were gripeing about how lazy and worthless he was now here you are getting perverse joy out of torment

sprinkle4 said...

Drat!!!! You've figured me out!!