Thursday, January 13, 2005

How's The Weather??

I live in Alabama, or as we natives affectionately call it 'the bowels of hell.' One of the most annoying things about our state, aside from the preponderance of rednecks and and mosquitoes, is our weather.

It is January something or other (I suck at remembering dates...I really do.). This morning it was 75 degrees and we were under a tornado warning. In JANUARY. The rest of the country is dealing with snow (well, except California really) and we are having tornadoes! What is really going on. I have the television on in the living room and Sharon Resultan (yes, I AM a weather fan) is talking about blizzards in the midwest while I am in the bathroom with the kids in the (dry) tub with blankets and pillows over them. Do you know how hard it is to keep two toddlers entertained in a DRY bathtub?

So, we're in there with sippy cups (which just goes against my grain to have any food or drink in a bathroom.....yuck!) and toys and all sorts of stuff and I am running between the bathroom and the radar on t.v. and the bedroom window (which was giving us a beautiful view of our possible doom). And the kids keep getting out of the tub to follow me and the cat is running around like he has lost what little mind he has.

Then my husband calls to let me know he is on the road in the neighboring county and he will be home shortly. Helloooo??? You're on the ROAD in this? "Oh, honey, it's not that bad out here. The color of the sky hasn't changed any." This is coming from a man whose only experience with tornadoes has been the movie "Twister". (He's from the coast of Virginia....hurricanes he knows.)

So we sit in the bathroom for like an hour until the system tires itself out. Then I go outside and it's like 40 degrees. What the heck?

See that is why you can put your winter clothes away in the summer here but you can never, ever put your summer clothes away in the winter. Because you just never know.

But I suppose everyone has got their weather complaints everywhere. Rain in the west, snow in the east and midwest, floods and mudslides everywhere else. I think I'm moving to Mississippi......aside from the casinos, even the weather doesn't want to visit there. ;-)

I guess I'll put my bikini on now and wait for a break in the temperature. Should start warming up in about an hour!

Peace all.........


Oh great One said...

At least there are weather changes. When we lived in California there was just hot and then rainy. When it is football season I need cool air and falling leaves!

MRMacrum said...

You southern folk sure have it tough. 75'F in January. Up here in Maine, that's hot enough to breed sheep. And shoot, 40'F, we call that Summer.

No matter where we live, someplace else will eventually look better than where we are. Right now, the 18" of white crap in my dooryard is makin your Alabama, "never really winter" look mighty appealing.