Friday, December 31, 2004

And a Happy New Year

Hello all! Haven't posted in a while now. Oh well, I don't think I was missed but if I was I apologize for the delay. Just wanted to wish all a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!

I have a few resolutions for this year, most of which will probably be broken with 72 hours. I have the "lose 30 pounds" resolution which most people have and I have the "stop smoking" resolution which I have broken every year within 30 minutes after midnight ;-) since 1989. Oh well, such is life I suppose.

I also have the "just be a better person" resolution. Now that's a hard one to tell if you have kept or not. Being a person is a hard job in and of itself much less being a better person. That is something that I have worked an entire lifetime on and still haven't gotten it right.

But I like the beginning of a new year anyway. It's a chance to start over and everyone deserves a second chance.

Okay, I am rambling on now. Have a blessed day all and when you are out partying or whatever tonight be safe. Tomorrow is another day.

Peace all.......

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Check out this Blog!

Hiya guys and girls and in-betweens. Was blog browsing a couple of days ago and ran across some fabulous work. The site is . Give it a whirl...but only if you have a highly developed sense of humor/anger/cynicism! Personally, I think it's great!

Anyhow, I am in the midst of Christmas madness and I am loving it some days and really wanting to smack people on other days. Fighting over a Tickle Me Elmo is just not my idea of the "Christmas spirit". Why do people feel they have to spend their entire life savings once a year???? What kind of message is this sending to our children? That if you can't afford every single top of the line gift that is out there, then you are somehow a failure as a person??

When I was a kid, we received simple gifts and we loved 'em. Now, I see 8 year olds wanting (and getting) cell phones, pagers and the like. What in the name of everything on God's green earth does a child need with a CELL PHONE??? Who is he calling that he can't use the house phone like we did when we were kids (that is, when we were allowed to use the phone at all!).

And then there are the Playstations 2-250, X Boxes, Q Boxes, dvd players, camcorders, digital cameras, etc. These are things that I don't even buy for myself, much less a child. If you are a child in my vicinity, then you are getting a doll baby, a truck, a GI Joe or some blocks, or better yet, BOOKS. And you will like it, yes, you will. We need to let our children be children and treat them as such. Instill the concept of charity, good will, and empathy in your children. Of course, that will be hard to do if you have not instilled them in yourself yet.

Wow, I feel better now! Thanks!!!!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Post-Thanksgiving Blahs

Wow, the turkey is finally gone! And in less than a month I get to do it again. The beginning of the Christmas season is a bit of a lesson in frustration for a waitress. There are some wonderful customers who do realize this is how we make our living and tip wonderfully during the holiday season. Then there are the 'others' (you know who you are!) who spend all day at the mall and then want to come in here and run your waitress to death, i.e. extra lemons, straws, napkins, waters, etc. and so on, and think that 1.50 is a grrrreat tip on a 75.00 check. Guess what guys? Learn the meaning of 15%!!! Christmas is the season of giving and I would really like to give but it's hard to do when you're not getting ya know?

Not meaning to complain, though. Like I said, I have some wonderful customers, most of them regulars, some of them not, who have been very generous this season so far. And may God bless each and every one of them. And God bless the non-tippers too.......they'll get it one day.

And of course, the true meaning of Christmas is not in finance. The gift that God has given us in His Son Jesus Christ is priceless and for that I am eternally grateful. Thanks be to the good Lord that I have a wonderful family, friends, my health, and a pretty good job (for the most part!) even though I like to fuss from time to time.....okay occasionally....okay, a lot!

I hope each and every one of you has a wonderful and blessed holiday season and may God bless you all!! :-)

Saturday, November 13, 2004

sandy claws!!

just checking in

Nothing new to say here except my husband is rather anal retentive. I do love him tho so I think I will keep him around for a while, much to his dismay lololol.

Well the holidays are almost here and I for one am very excited about it. Thanksgiving and Christmas are two of my favoritest holidays of the year. I love the weather (even tho it never gets really cold here and almost never snows it will at least get cool from time to time) and I love the scenery. The whole autumn leaves, winter scenes, Christmas trees and decorations are just a real boost to my energy levels and my mood.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Hiya to the IHOP crowd!:-)

Well, let's see....tonight I left work early because there were too many people there. Before I left I loaned my ticket book, with my blog site addy on there of course, to another server to use for the evening. So, if they happen to see the site and visit me I would just like to say:

HIYA MERRY-DETH!! ( YOU TOO UMER!!) :-) :-) :-)

Okey dokey then, I am going to spend some quality time with the kids....because they don't know what sleep is evidently :-). Is it any wonder that I look ten years older than I actually am???

Monday, October 25, 2004



Just a reminder for those of you who happen to run across this site. Tuesday, November 2 is Election Day. Make sure you get out and vote, vote, vote. Vote for whomever you choose, that is your decision. But please, please, please, let your voice be heard! If you don't participate in it then you don't have the right to complain about it. Y'all have a great day!!

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Nothing New

Do I have the most boring life of anyone I know? Mayhap I do. My routine consists of work, home, cleaning, work, home, cleaning. Oh, yeah, the daily two hour nap...which I have been surviving on for almost 2 years now! (Don't let anyone tell ya it can't be done!) I have no idea what I will be doing today but I do know that it will consist of work, home and cleaning!

In the immortal words of Deanna Carter...."Did I shave my legs for this?"

Friday, October 22, 2004

A waitress complains :-)

Just wanted to ask a question. Why are people soooooo rude when they go out to eat at a restaurant??? Having been a waitress before and a customer as well I have been able to see this issue from both sides of the fence. What ever happened to just plain old decency when you are out in public? As a waitress here are some of my pet peeves about SOME customers:

CELL PHONES!!!!! When you have a waitress standing there waiting to take your order put your cell phone down. You are not the President of the United States. You are not a celebrity ( except maybe in your own mind). You are not special enough to keep someone ,who is probably busy themselves ,waiting!! Please put it down for just a minute. I promise....the person on the other end of the line will wait while you order some fries.

NON-TIPPERS!! I am not talking about tipping if you receive poor service. You should not tip then. However, if you receive good to excellent service, please tip. A lot of waiters/waitresses only make 2.13 an hour and this is how we pay our bills. Yeah, I know we could find another job. And you can stop making excuses for being cheap and go find a dollar menu at McDonald's.

VERBALLY ABUSIVE/SARCASTIC CUSTOMERS! Be careful about irritating your server. Ya never know what you might find in your onion rings. Now, I have never done this myself, nor would I condone doing it;however, not everyone is like me!:-)

Anyway, just needed to vent before I put on my happy face and get in the trenches at my local watering hole. Whoo hoo!!

TGIF (Fall that is....autumn.....soon to be wintertime)

I love autumn, yes I do!! Having been born and raised in Huntsville, Alabama and having a birthday in what we call the 'dog days', I have never enjoyed celebrating my birthday. Who would when you have to keep the cake in the freezer until 5 minutes before you eat or otherwise it will melt?

Now, autumn here is not like it is everywhere else. Instead of lasting for three months, it only lasts for, oh, roughly three weeks. And then we are into our version of winter, which takes place bewtween January 5 and February 2. See by the time the groundhog sees his shadow we are already warming up. Grrrrr.....

Anyway, it is a rare fall day outside today and like most people who are not used to this kind of weather I shall put on my snow suit and grab my skis. Those leaves on the ground ain't for nothin' ya know!!! ( I hope to take my kids up north one day for a winter they will know that snow is real and not just something you see in pictures!:-))



Computer dunce tries her hand!

Hiya all who care to read this! I am a self-professed computer idiot. However, I do love to journal and when I heard about blog just decided to try it out. Of course, I do not expect anyone to have any interest in what I have to say but it's cool to give it a whirl anyway. :-)