Tuesday, January 11, 2005

But Seriously Folks........

Since the beginning of time, there have been many,many historical couples. For example:
Adam and Eve
Antony and Cleopatra
Romeo and Juliet
Samson and Delilah
Sir Lancelot and Guinevere
Mickey and Minnie
Peanut butter and Chocolate (my personal favorite)
Vinegar and Oil

and finally......Lila and Grover (that's me and my husband for the uninitiated:))

It has come to my attention (via a couple of anonymous comments) that I have been coming across as maybe not the most loving wife and partner. Please allow me to explain.....

I love my husband dearly....always have and always will. However, we are two distinct (sometimes insane) personalites. See, that's what marriage is, when you take two very different people and make one unit out of them. And although I love my husband (and I'm taking for granted that he loves me here too) we do live in the real world.

My name is not June and his name is not Ward and our children are not named Wally and Beaver.(Who would name their son that anyway??;))
I do not wear pearls and high heels and he would just rather hang himself than wear a tie.

What's my point? Hold on, I'm getting there. When I complain about my husband, you can rest assured that he is complaining about me. It's how we show affection.:) Most of what we say to each other (or post on a blog) is not meant to be taken TOO seriously. If either one of us took ourselves or each other to heart that deeply, we would have had an old-fashioned duel a loooong time ago.

Let me state it once more for the record and in case I never, ever say it again: My husband is a great guy. He is a guy though. And I believe he would say I am a great woman. I am, however, just a woman. Just two dysfunctional people who have found a way to have fun together.

So, please....don't take either one of us too seriously. The last person who did ended up in therapy.

Peace alllll..........


Oh great One said...

Yeah! See anonymous, I told you so!

grover said...

Ummmmm.....Who are you and what did you do with my wife!

Shane said...

Ahhh. I love you too Grover. (I'm not gay)