Thursday, January 06, 2005

Grover, Grover, Grover.....

I hate to be difficult, and I am really not that hard to please but why, oh why, will he not do the simple things?

My husband has one, that's right, one, household chore that he is expected to do on a daily basis: take out the trash. Why do I end up doing it? Either he's running late for work or he "forgets". How do you forget a big ole plastic bag stinking up your kitchen???

Why do I have to ask the same question THREE times to get any response at all? Not necessarily an answer, mind you, just any response, like a grunt or a look in my direction at least.

Why, when he shaves in the morning, does he leave those little bitty hairs from his goatee all over the sink? He says he cleans them up faithfully, but they must breed while he isn't looking because by the time I get to clean the bathroom, they are there waiting for me, smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee.

Why does he immediately start taking clothes off when he gets home from work. Not in the bedroom, but at the front door, making a trail to the bedroom. Jacket on the chair in the livingroom, shirt on the other chair, shoes in the living room get the point. He's not a stripper and I have enough problems with my babies taking their clothes off just anywhere.

Why does he never call when he is going to be late?

Why is he always late? Anywhere we go he is always running late. (True, I am a little anal when it comes to punctuality but come on.)

No, I am not perfect nor do I claim to be. But I do try to do the little things to make his life easier. ( Except for the chronic complaining of course ;-))

Well, I've gotta take the trash out now.



Shane said...

I think it's great how open you guys are with each other. It's nice to see "an old married couple" so comfortable with each other that they can openly criticize each other without worrying about repercussions. I hope my marriage is like yours when we've been married for 40 years. ;)

Anonymous said...

I don't see this as critisisms! I think they are observations. Little things that make us crazy. Once again I identify with your words. Preach on sista!