Saturday, July 02, 2005

Weighing In On This One

I am not, nor have I ever been a Tom Cruise fan. He is just a little too schmarmy for me. (Yep, I know he is heartbroken I feel this way. I imagine he is crying into his bankbook right now.) Up until this point I have been pretty much able to ignore him....because he hasn't really irritated me. Well, except for that whole schmarminess thing (sorry guys, cheesiness really gets my goat...goat cheese...get it? HAHAHA!...ehem....sorry).

But I was reluctantly drawn by this whole Brooke Shields/Tom Cruise rumble that's been goin' on lately. (They would be great in West Side Story in my opinion;)) And I must say one thing: Tom Cruise is an arrogant, ignorant piece of work who has evidently misconstrued fame for intelligence. Dollars do not equal brain cells Tom. (just in case you're reading this of course)

I wrote in a post a couple of weeks ago that although I do not like drugs being the sole source of treatment for any mental/emotional disorder, that they DO have their place. They certainly have their place in the treatment of post-partum depression. See, post-partum depression is primarily hormonal, the result of a woman's system trying to rebalance itself after being set in a certain fashion for ...oh.....9 MONTHS. Most women have some form of post-partum depression, ranging from the mildest of the 'baby blues' to full on psychotic episodes. Medication is a good thing for the latter. Hear that, Tom.....a GOOD thing.

And how any MAN could tell you how a WOMAN is supposed to feel after carrying a life inside her for 9 months and then expelling it from her body in pain and sweat is beyond me. The next time he gives birth maybe he will reconsider his opinion. But probably not.

My opinion is this (for what it's worth): if you have recently had a child and feel like you need help by all means GET IT. Please do not allow the opinions of this mighty mouse locked away in his 14 million dollar ivory tower sway you. If it keeps you from killing yourself or your child, then it was well worth it.

I have a lot more to say on this but for now I think I will just keep it short. Cuz I'm a girl and I'm afraid I'll get all emotional and stuff.

See, it's that kind of attitude that has kept women in the back seat for so many years. Good luck, Ms.'re gonna need it.

Peace allllll.............

1 comment:

Oh great One said...

It's not as if he has any medical degrees either!