Sunday, July 24, 2005

The Time Has Come

"The time has come," the Walrus said, "to talk of many things.....of shoes and ships and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings."- Lewis Carroll

One of my favorite quotes of all mom taught the whole thing to me when I was a kid....I think that may have something to do with it. She used to quote it when she wanted to talk to me....about serious things, silly things.....anything really.

It has been my great pleasure over the past year to become blog friends with many of you. Your stories, rants, raves, kvetching and observations have made my day many, many times. You have made me laugh, cry.....occasionally you have ticked me off (like that's new;)).....but you have always made me think....and that's a good thing...for anyone. You have often unknowingly provided much needed comfort by making me realize that I am not alone in a world that has sometimes gone mad. You have all provided what I consider friendship, the finest gift that anyone can receive.

And for all of the above I thank you dearly from the bottom of my heart.

I always end my posts with the phrase "peace alllll.......". The reason for this is that I think peace is the greatest blessing one person could hope for another. Peace of heart, peace of mind, peace of spirit. That no matter what your situation, no matter how rough it may be, that you will have peace within. Because if you have that, then everything else may not be inconsequential, but certainly a lot more bearable. This is my wish for you all......peace.

Shane: You are so much further along your path than you will ever know. Decades from now, hopefully you will look back and realize this. Open your heart, get to know yourself a little better, give yourself a break sometimes. It's hard being a man, and it doesn't get much easier, no matter how much you know. So give yourself some credit. Thanks for being the first person to ever really read this explosion of words several months ago. And remember, when the clocktower comes calling.....don't pick up the phone. Thank you for pride and honesty.

Heather: My God, you are a beautiful woman. And I don't mean just on the outside. You have a beautiful spirit, a warmth that comes through in every word you write. Do not let anyone take that from you......ever. You may be small but I firmly believe you cover all of the ground you stand on. You have the three greatest assets that any woman can possess: wisdom, the soul of a warrior and the heart of a lion. Thank you for beauty and sunlight through autumn leaves.

Red: Cinnamon, red hot candies, salsa........and tango as well. You have so many many truths and never enough time to put them all out there. No matter what your hair color .....Red is the perfect word for you. Thank you for fire and explosions, and just for being so ticked off sometimes. It wakes the world up around you.

OGO: A feather bed with a down comforter. Such a Momma (and that is such a good thing!) There are just not enough words that I can put in the right ways to tell you how I feel. So I will just say: thank you for being my FRIEND. It means more than you know.

CCB: A gremlin with a wicked sense of humor. Thank you for seeing the funky, freaky side of life.

Adrienne: You are stronger than you realize. May the wings of angels and the hand of God hold you and bless you.

Thank you all for being there.

And now I must say good night.

God bless you ......even those of you who don't believe in Him.

And to all of the lurkers and anonymous readers: thanks for stopping by!

She opens the door.....
Turns out the light...
Steps outside....
Closes the door.....
And walks off into the night.

And now one last time....
For all of you......

Peace alllllllllllll......................


Shane said...

*gasp of horror*

This couldn't have come at a worse time. I need you more than ever. Why ... Where ....

A friend has left my life today. Give me time to let that set in.

I can't write right now. I'll send you an email when I gather my wits.

Peace, L.

CaCaBoy said...

Yes, I am a Gremlin. And I will miss YOUR humor. You know OGO will be devasted. She adores your blog. Hope you reappear, for all our sakes.

Oh great One said...

Oh my goodness! You don't know how this upsets me. Yours was one of the first blogs I started to frequent. I loved how you could make the mundane things in the lives of mothers sound funny. I feel as though I'm losing a friend. What will I do with out your nuggets of wisdom and a person who "gets it". I'm sure this makes no sense (that's something new huh?) but I'm seriously shocked.

Will it help if I beg? I'm not to proud to beg. Please PLEASE don't go...;*(

Oh great One said...

I'm not quite as shocked today but still just as sad. I hope you at least come back to see our parting words. Let us tell you how much you were loved.

Your parting words to me were probably the nicest thing anyone has said to me. I hope you don't mind if I make a little spot on my blog for them. A little slice of Lila to keep with me.

I don't usually make my email available in blog land but I would like to pass it on to you. It would thrill me to no end to hear from you. I don't mean to sound like a stalker but I really do feel a kinship with you and am reeling from the thought of losing you. God bless you and your family.

Adrianne said...

Wow, thanks for the kind words. I haven't really been around lately, so I just saw this post now. I'm glad to see that you are back!