Sunday, July 03, 2005

Live8??...Coulda Had a V8 Instead

Well, well, well.......I have witheld comment or opinion on this whole Live8 thing until it was pretty much said and done. And this is what I think:

That simply had to be the most stunning display of elitist, arrogant, pompous back patting I have ever seen. Let's see.....major stars, major money to put this event on, massive cash for publicity, expensive gift baskets for the performers, etc., etc. And the whole purpose of this entire shindig was "to raise awareness." Not money for any charitable causes, but "awareness."

Wonder how many people died of AIDS while they were gladhanding and raising "awareness"?

Wonder how many kids died in Africa and in this country as well while entertainers were pawing through their luxury gift baskets? (And if you think that kids in this country don't die of starvation, think again. One in 500 kids goes to bed hungry every night....EVERY this country.)

Wonder how many homeless people are still homeless after all this "awareness" was raised?

I don't think the problem is awareness here people.

I don't think the answer is a free concert to make people feel better about themselves for a minute because they are now "socially conscious".

I think that maybe a better thing would be to actually do some leg work . You know, if you happen to be one of those multi-millionaire entertainers, versus creating a charity with your name on it (now that's an ego stroke!) with a massive payroll, walk the street until you find someone who needs help, then do something crazy, like.....oh, I don't them get an education, or a job or a meal or a blanket or something..... just something that doesn't require a lot of publicity or a luxury gift basket for you. You something from the heart.

This works well for regular, non-celebrity people as well. Wanna raise AIDS awareness? Volunteer in a hospice, or work on the AIDS quilt (they always need volunteer seamstresses). Write your congressperson and request them to ask for money for research.

If you want to raise awareness concerning poverty or the homeless, get a group of people to go out in the streets and hand out blankets or sandwiches or something.....just something.

These are small things and they will certainly never solve the problem. However, in my opinion, it's a lot more productive than standing around listening to free music and simply being "aware" of what's happening.

Awareness - Action = APATHY

Something I hope these guys remember when they're flying first class to sleep on their silk sheets tonight.

Peace allll.........................


Oh great One said...

Preach it Sprinkle!

I agree whole heartedly.

Shane said...

My sister.

Anonymous said...

I agree to an extent. There were enough multi millionaire artists up there on stage to make a difference without needing to sing their latest records.

I also wondered how many people in the audience who paid £1.50 for for their "lottery" Live8 tickets really cared about the issues we were supposed to be being made "aware" of? I suspect the majority just saw it as a cheap day out in London to see a massive concert.

Is that too cynical?

sprinkle4 said...

No, I don't think that is cynical at all rather a realistic view. I know that when I was channel surfing the other night I ran across one of the tabloid shows giddily pointing out Jon Bon Jovi's skin tight pants in Philadelphia. Unfortunately, I think that is the extent of a lot of people's 'awareness' as well.

Adrianne said...

What John Lennon had to say about charity concerts:

sprinkle4 said...

Amen and amen to that!

Anonymous said...

The late, great (often offensive) Sam Kinnison used to say about filming documentaries of starving children in Ethiopia, "Why don't you put down your camera and GIVE THEM A F----- SANDWICH!"