Sunday, July 10, 2005

Darnit, Dennis!

Well, Hurricane Dennis has just hit south Alabama along the Pensacola area. And seeing as how that isn't too terribly far away from us, I am sure we will be experiencing the usual flooding and high winds fairly soon. And since this is Alabama, the electricity will go out for a time I am sure. gotta love the south!

Anyhow, I am going to go enjoy the cool breeze before the rains run me in and then....nap time. If this weather is good for nothing else, it makes for the best sleep.

Here's hoping for the best for the guys south of me. The ones that didn't evacuate and decided to stick it out down there. God bless you all and be safe. For the rest of them that decided to head this way....IHOP is open 24/7. See ya there!

Peace allll.............

1 comment:

Oh great One said...

I hope you don't get too much rain.

Boy I could sure use a good rainy day nap. Those are the best!