Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Tin Can Alley

Life is hard. This is a fact. The longer you live and the more you experience, the more things you tend to pick up and carry. Some people refer to this as 'baggage', some people call it 'clutter.' I call it my collection of tin cans. One tin can is not too hard to manage, but when you get a whole lot of 'em stored up they can be one heavy, noisy, ugly mess. Periodically, you need to sit down and sort through your cans. Before you can do that, however, you have to unload all of them. Then you can pick out the ones that have become such a part of you that you would not be the same person without them.

The cans that I have unloaded are: insecurity, self-doubt, self-loathing, anxiety, what ifs, unconstructive negativity, beating myself up, toxic people,.........and the list goes on and on and on. Of course, over time these will build back up again...they always do. Like dust bunnies under your bed. But for now, they are not hindering me.

These are the cans that I have decided to keep:

My faith in God: easily done some days, other days....well, maybe a little harder. But it is who I am. I can't live without Him...don't even want to try.

My marriage: yes, this had to be looked at as well. Of course, I was sure this was a keeper (pretty sure anyway.....hey, we all have our days ya know;)).

My kids: was there ever any doubt? Of course not.....my life's most important work is raising good kids who eventually turn out to be even better adults one day.

My job: this was a hard one;however, I really do like the people I work with. Not my bosses, mind you.....still can't stand most of them. My co-workers are the best group of people I could ever hope to work with. Not to mention my regular customers who threatened to hunt me down and shoot me if I quit. God bless 'em all. For a group of (mainly) drunks and college students (or both) they ain't too bad.

And last but not least....

My blog: this may sound incredibly stupid to a lot of people and that is perfectly fine with me. But I wasn't sure if I had anything else to say...at least anything relevant. However, after going through you guys comments and blog obits (I had never heard of that until now by the way) and at least 2 (count 'em ....2) boxes of tissues while doing so......maybe I was wrong. Okay, I'll admit it. One of the few times in my life I have readily agreed to do so. I WAS WRONG. I still have a lot to say, relevant or not.....maybe too much some days. But I must ask, before I post another word on here.....please accept my heartfelt apologies. I AM TRULY SORRY.......and I humbly ask each and every one of your forgiveness for being such a selfish, inconsiderate troll. If you never decide to visit me again I will certainly understand.

Thank you all for being there for me during a very (and you don't even know the half of it) difficult time. You guys have supported me more than my own family has through this and for that you have my eternal gratitude.

My mom used to tell me: "Be careful how you approach a person. You don't know what kind of day or what kind of life they have had.....your words could make them or break them. Be kind."

Thank you for making me.

Thank you for being kind. It's a lost art these days.

And now....if you'll excuse me....I have to pick up my chosen cans (not to mention a third box of tissues).

Like I said ......I wouldn't be the same without you. Y'all are the best.:)

Peace allllll..............


Shane said...

L, I can't tell you how my heart leapt when my Sage bar lit up your name informing me that there was a new post. I accidently clicked on the wrong blog ~TWICE~ because I was too excited to control my mouse properly.

First of all, there is absolutely no reason to apologize (God knows that I've been here one or four times). Believe me, I know the thought process that leads up to the decision to pull the plug. I feel ya, sis.

Secondly, thank you sooooo much for coming back. It has seriously made my week.

Thirdly, I promise to be a better blog buddy and leave my comments even if I don't think they're worthy.

Fourthly, you have nothing else relevant to say? Please! You'll be speechless when Texas freezes over.

And finally, you truly are greatness. I'm so proud to know you. Honestly.

Love ya cuz.

Oh great One said...

I have been peeking in here hoping and praying that there maybe just one more word from you. And Viola! There was THIS post! I am so pleased you don't even know!

It doesn't matter if you feel you have something "relevant" to post. What ever you write is YOU. That is what we love Sprinkle, YOU! I am so happy you aren't leaving us. I'm getting teary now.

This whole experience has really made me question how sane I was. I mean how could I be SO attached to someone I haven't met in "real life"? I have only read their words and yet I feel like I KNOW them. Well I don't know if I AM sane or not but I don't ever want you to leave again!


Turtle Runner said...

I've just discovered your blog in the vast world of the Internet (which should be called the Infinet really), and I was touched by this post.

You've sparked my own internal tin can sorting process. Thank you.