Friday, July 01, 2005

Some Days

Some days I think I'm crazy
Some days I think I am a fool
Some days I wonder what the heck I am doing
Some days I think that I have gone too far
Some days I think that I will never go far enough
Some days I feel like a failure and a fraud
Some days I wish that people knew the real me
Some days I hope to Heaven that they don't
Some days I feel like I'm okay
Some days I feel like I never will be
Some days it just doesn't matter because whatever will be will be
Some days I rage against that fact
Some days I don't like to look in the mirror because I don't know that person
Some days I am just confused about this place, this life, this day

Today is one those days.

Here's to all of the people that have it together. Can you please give me the password so I can have it together too?

Peace allll........

1 comment:

Oh great One said...

I think you know where I stand on this. I'm soo not together. If you get the passward could you pass it along to me?