Friday, July 29, 2005

Excuses, Excuses

Why, in this day of chronic self-absorption, do so many people refuse to be held accountable for their own actions? They would rather point the finger at or place the blame on anyone or anything other than themselves.

"I had a hard childhood"......
"My parents didn't show me enough attention"
"My parents showed me too much attention"
"The guy next door has a better job than I do"
"She's prettier than I am"
"I'm just under a lot of stress"

Most of us have had some or all of the above thoughts. Most of us just deal with it and move on. It's part of the human condition. But there are a few, and the numbers are growing, that use statements very similar to these to excuse away any of their actions.

"Well, I was rude to that cashier because I had a rough day at work and she was just so cheerful." So you decided to try to ruin her day as well.

"I bit your head off this morning because I hadn't had enough sleep the night before." Oh, so you're saying that your brain wasn't functioning too well because of sleep deprivation? But you came up with such inventive phrases! The imagination part of your brain was performing quite admirably.

"My parents abused me when I was a child." Okay, and knowing what this feels like, you are going to choose to spread the love to your own kids in the same fashion? Hmmm, sounds to me like you oughta be knocking the crap out of your parents vs. your kids.

"My father cheated on my mother." And seeing what your mom went through behind it, you are choosing to treat your own spouse the same way. Sorry, I just don't see how that works.

"You looked at me the wrong way the other day, so I just decided to get back at you by spreading lies about you to your friends and neighbors." Sounds to me like it's time for your inner child to grow the heck up.

These are the same people who offer qualified apologies:

"I'm sorry but......"
"I know I was a jerk but....."
"I know that I hurt your feelings but...."

But what? But despite the fact that you know that you were in the wrong and that your behavior was unacceptable and inappropriate, you are still seeking to put the blame on someone other than yourself? That you are still trying to find excuses that make you look good?

It's called ACCOUNTABILITY. Admitting that you were wrong without blaming anyone but you. No ifs, ands or qualifiers. Just saying "I'm sorry......I was wrong. Will you please forgive me?"

Sounds pretty simple ......why do so many people find it so hard to do?

Peace alllll...............


Oh great One said...

I don't know about you but I feel I can respect someone who isn't afraid to apologize when they are in the wrong.

It's not always easy but it should be done. I can tell you it stings a little when I have to apologize to my kids. I know it is good for them to see though.

Shane said...


You sure are good at putting me in my place without even knowing you're doing it.

I go out of my way not to spread my anquish around to others (except Heather and I'm doing my best to improve on that). I'm also a "qualifier", but I'm working on it.

You summed my behavior up perfectly. It's easier to identify my flaws if I can see them from the outside in and you always give me a bird's eye view. That helps a lot. Thanks.