Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Gang of Four

These are my four favorite guys. They are Jakob (aka Fish), Joshua (aka Moona Tuna), Grover (aka Grover (he's holding Jakob when he was like 2 months old (Jakob that is, not Grover;))), and Lukas (aka Louie). They are loud, messy and absolutely disruptive and I love them all, yes I do:). As for my picture, I keep trying to take it but the camera keeps breaking;) Of course, these pictures are about 6 months old, except Grover's (that's like a year) but everybody still looks pretty much the same. Grover just has a little less hair is all.....mwuahahaha! Just thought I would give faces to the names I rant and rave about:)

Peace alllll............


Oh great One said...

They are beautiful!
Scratch that.
*Deep manly voice* They are some handsome dudes. :)

Shane said...

Wow. Aren't we just opening up?

I'll tell you what -- you've got some lady killers on your hands. I feel sorry for you when they reach their teens.

I could use and explanation of the nicknames -- Moona Tuna?

Shane said...

One more thing ---> I'm pleased to finally see the comic genius that is Grover. Between the two of you (and the three crazy boys), I invision your house being one of constant laughter. You two are a hoot.

One more thing (I promise) ---> you're not getting off that easy with the bit about you breaking the camera. I want a picture missy! I want to see this woman that I've looked up to over the past year.

Wait, let me try that again: Will you please post a picture of yourself? Pleeeease.

Please, thank you, and you're welcome.

sprinkle4 said...

Everyone in my family has a nickname (mainly because we don't really like our real names;))

Fish: he sucks in his cheeks whenever he's concentrating (you know..a fish face)

Louie: is more suitable for his gregarious personality than the stiff and formal Lukas

Moona Tuna: when he was a baby, he was verrry heavy. So when you went to pick him up it was like a cross between lifting a calf (Moo) or reeling in a 60 pound tuna.

Grover: hates his real name of Stacy....and he just looks so much like a Grover:)(Sesame Street that is....not Cleveland;))

Thank you guys for the compliments on my boys. I'm kinda fond of them myself:)

The Funky Bee said...

Joshua is my fave because he has a Washington Redskin's shirt on and they are the key to my heart! They all are really adorable!

Adrianne said...

What a bunch of handsome boys! They all have the same beautiful smiles that must get from their momma! Love the dimples!!!

Mad Housewife said...

Your pics are wonderful! Maybe I should post pics of my little ones...