Monday, May 09, 2005


Weekends....oh, how I love them so. The insanity at work, the sleep deprivation, the house going to ruin.....the stuff of my dreams.

This weekend was Oakwood College graduation. And since we are the premiere restaurant for college students (my, they do love their pancakes and chicken wings), we got stomped through the floor all weekend. However, that means more money for me..always a good thing...and all in all it was one of the most pleasant weekends I have ever had at work. (It's amazing how well most people behave when they're out in public with their mothers;)) Except for the one lady (and I use the term verrrry loosely) who ordered the'am, you need help.... and perhaps a healthy dose of therapy as well. But, nonetheless, one jerk customer in 3 days....I can live with that (plus, she filled out a comment card with her name, address and phone how dumb is that? **insert evil laughter here**)

But today is my off day a.k.a. my real weekend. And so, I shall rise like a phoenix from the ashes and....clean the house, do laundry, wash the car, bathe the kids, cook dinner and make myself look absolutely stunning for my husband when he gets home (where ARE those June Cleaver heels I have??). Man, I can't wait to get back to work so I can get some rest.

Peace allll.....

p.s. Sorry for all the parentheses in this post (I was just feeling parenthetical I guess)


Shane said...

Wooooooo! Another great post.

btw, "parenthetical"? I loves it! Where can I buy a dictionary like yours?

Mad Housewife said...

Like Shane, I want your version of the dictionary.

I know what it's like to get all gussied up for when your husband comes home...just so he can look at you with dreamy eyes and a silly grin and say...
"Damn good pork chops, Babe! And these fried taters are 'specially tastin' good tonight!"
What a f**king wast of make-up and blow-drying time. Instead of employing the hair-drier, I could have spent that 20 minutes picking up all the toys my son has strung around the house. Bummer.

CaCaBoy said...

I too (referring to your parenthetical comment) have felt the need (more a subtle urge, really) to use inordinate amounts (as in ALOT) of parenthesis in my posts (which I am told are too infrequent to really matter anyway). I hope you got fat cash at work, and the "loose" woman got run over by a water buffalo!