Thursday, May 26, 2005

This One's for the Boys

Many people who have read my blog (and there are soooo many;)) may have come to the conclusion that I have a lot of issues with men. I really don't. I just have to have something to complain about and they are like a rich field of tomatoes just ready for the picking.

However, I do feel that guys get a bad rap a lot of the time. If you look at the mainstream media, you would think that most men wouldn't remember to breathe if they didn't have a woman around to remind them.

Case in point: television sitcoms. If you'll notice, most of them have the husband/father around as window dressing... scenery.....just there for looks and not really anything else. They will portray the wife/mother as the emotional/spiritual/mental backbone of the family while the guy just walks around looking confused most of the time, while all the while being cuckolded by his superwoman/shrew of a wife. Is this really a reflection of our society as a whole? I don't think so.

If you watch the news, you would think that men are responsible for the decline of values in our society. Not true. It is shared equally. I know a lot of men who are smart, talented and responsible and yet they are not given nearly enough credit. Yet, when something goes wrong, who gets the blame most of the time? Sorry guys.

Yes, there are some sorry men out good, irresponsible, lazy, abusive, cheating and a waste of time. Equally, there are just as many women out there with the same traits. However, you just don't hear about them too often do ya? There are a lot of single mothers out there.....there are also a lot of single fathers as well, raising their kids alone, working the two jobs, cooking, cleaning, etc. You just don't really hear about them do you? And when you do, most people's response is "So, he's just doing something women have been doing for a long time." When can a fella catch a break? When can he get credit for doing something right?

I mean, they put up with us most of the time. And, ladies, don't fool yourselves. We are not easy to put up with no matter how we might try to pretend that we are. To most men, we are at times a combination of a pit bull/killer rabbit mutation that they have no hope of figuring out.

And so, if you have a good man, or know a good man (and chances are that you do...somewhere), take a moment and let them know that they are doing as good a job as they can with what they have. As for the rest of 'em.....stay away....far away from them.

Now, I'm going to go turn Grover over in his sleep and remind him to breathe before he suffocates.;)

Peace allllll................


Mad Housewife said...

If my husband didn't have me he'd be lost. He wouldn't even be able to tie his shoes. It's like I'm his heart, soul and brain, and I have to do everything for him. He thinks it's such a chore to take out the trash. *sigh* Husbands...just another child to take care of.

Oh great One said...

First I have read your blog for awhile now and I have to say that I don't believe for a minute that you are "anti-man". You write about your life and experiences. Men aren't going to write about not doing the dishes or putting the seat down are they? They write about what THEY know and so do you.

I think when you give your man the credit he deserves he is more likely to pass it right back to you. If he knows he is appreciated and adored he will rise to the occasion and be "all that he can be".

CaCaBoy said...


Just kidding. Godd post. thanks for th props.

See if OGO had been her I'd have spellded this all write and it would sense make.

grover said...

How does that whole breathing thing go again???

Adrianne said...

I'm with you on this one. I think men get a really bad rap. I hate it that women can make all kinds of jokes at mens' expense, but make a joke about a woman and you might as well die ;) Oh, and I never thought you didn't like men, either...