Wednesday, May 04, 2005


I was talking to my best friend earlier today. She has several major health problems and the doctor(s) has told her that the worst case scenario will be that she lives maybe 5 more years. God willing she will live 20. However, the point of our conversation today was regret. Regret for things that you have and have not done with your life. She does not feel that she has done all with her life that she could. And that 5 more years will not be enough. I understand where she is coming from.

Although I am in fairly good health and hope to live for at least 100 more years, I am afraid that, at the end of my days, no matter how much good I may have done, that the regrets will outweigh all of that. Because for the first 37 years I have a pretty good list going already.

I regret not telling those who have passed on how much I loved them before they left.

I regret all the times that I may have hurt someone's feelings with an offhand comment that may have meant nothing to me at the time but which they remember years later.

I regret not having much of a relationship with my sister.

I regret taking any day for granted.

I regret taking anyone for granted.

I know that you are not supposed to live your life bogged down in shoulda coulda wouldas but every once in a while you have to at least acknowledge their existence. To do otherwise would be to live in complete denial.

I just hope that I have enough to time to make up for the shoulda coulda wouldas and one day consider them done.

Peace allll.................


Mad Housewife said...

There are a few that have passed who I wish I could have told them how much I love them before they were gone.

I wish I could have a better relationship with my sister. I will certainly work on that.

This post has so much meaning to me, and it thrills me that someone was brave enough to speak of regret. Many of us are embarrassed by the amount of regret we have inside. Some think we have to accept things the way they are and not change. But it is okay to feel regret. And it's okay to want to fix something before the chance is gone. Thank you so much for this post. I hope it gives many who read it something to think about.

sprinkle4 said...

Thanks Red...I appreciate that.