Monday, May 02, 2005

Random Kvetching

I have really gotten to the point that I hate watching the news, local or otherwise. The reason for this is there is just too much going on on the screen. In the center of the screen, there is the newscaster. On the bottom of the screen, there are the crawlers, with late breaking news on the chicken that crossed the road in Podunk, Mississippi and rumors that Colonel Sanders wasn't really a colonel. In the upper right hand corner are the weather forecasts, mainly for cities that I have never even heard of and will probably never visit, unless I am lost in the backwoods of Atlantis. In the upper left hand corner are the latest stock quotes, like people can't find them in the newspaper. Below the crawlers are the station identification logos and banners for whatever show may be coming on next on that channel or 50 others. There is just too much for the eyes to focus on and even if I had multiple personalities, none of them could keep up;) I truly yearn for yesteryear, when you had 4 channels at the most and all of them went off of the air shortly after midnight after they played 'The Star Spangled Banner.' And once every six months the president would come on all 4 of them, and he would always finish just in time for you to catch the last 7 minutes 6 seconds of your favorite program. Anyhow, my point is...all of this is just food for the instant gratification bug. No wonder people are in such a hurry...they're not used to waiting for anything anymore. They want it all and they want it now and they think they should be the first to get it.

Another kvetch...why do so many young women (18-25) that I know think that if they are not in a relationship of some sort that life is just not worth living? They will break up with one guy this week and in less than seven days they are dating/sleeping with/living with and in love with another one. Ummmm......girls, have you ever heard of just being with yourself for awhile? Or maybe...oh, I don't know....taking it a liiiitle more slowly this time? Everybody's in a hurry and for what? To do what? To get where?

So many people want to fill their lives with busyness. Gotta go here, gotta do this, gotta do that. Just sit down for a minute! You've got business meetings, and soccer games and play dates and vacations to get out of the way so you can get back into the rat race all over again. I'm not gonna say 'stop and smell the roses' (that's little overdone for me) but at least stop for a second....every once in a while. Life won't pass you by any mroe quickly than it is right now.

Peace allll.............


Oh great One said...

I am sooo with you on the busy lives thing. I have friends and family that are always busy. If it isn't some extra curricular school activity it is some other function or obligation.

You know what? I don't feel like a bad mom for not having my kid in every program available to her. I don't feel bad that I'm not overbooked.

You know something else? I do not think I am so important that I can't drive my car and shop in a store without a cell phone stuck to my ear. You aren't fooling anyone people! I know you aren't in the middle of some high powered corporate deal. You know why? I can hear your entire conversation because you are talking WAY to loud!

Wow. Where did all that come from? Sorry Sprinkle I didn't mean to rant on your blog. I should save all that for my own blog. 8P

sprinkle4 said...

That's quite alright! You really had me laughing with the cell phone rant. I am in total agreement with the fact that yes, we know you are not making any high powered deals because, yes, you are talking WAY too loud. Like I care if your wife wants strawberry or chocolate ice cream;)