Friday, May 20, 2005

Speak! (If You Want To)

I am rabidly anti-censorship. Freedom of speech means a lot to me and although I may not like what you say, I must wholeheartedly defend your right to say it. Without the ability to freely express our ideas, we would soon find ourselves becoming mere apathetic government controlled clones. (Sort of like an adult version of "Village of the Damned.")

Having said that, I must also say that along with any freedom, any right, comes a responsibility to use that freedom wisely and to appreciate it always. Just because you CAN say something doesn't mean that you SHOULD. Self-control and common sense are always applicable.

There are three words that I do not allow in my home: fat, ugly, and stupid. My kids are not allowed to call anyone any of those three words because:

1. If you are fat, then you already know that. You don't need someone to remind you just in case you forgot. Fat is also a very subjective word.

2. No one is ugly. People can act ugly, but I am in reference to physical features. What may be unattractive to you is certainly not to someone else. Once again, subjectivity at work.

3. Stupid....well, if someone is actually stupid, they are just going to be too "stupid" to realize that you are talking about them aren't they? And so you have wasted your breath, which wasn't too intelligent on your part was it??

The other reason I do not allow those words in my home is that I am attempting to teach my children empathy and compassion and that words can sometimes hurt. I am not trying to censor them but I am teaching them to consider others before themselves. I think that the art of consideration is becoming lost in our ever expanding world of rights and freedoms. And I consider it a great privilege to give thought to others, to consider how the power of my words may affect their day, and then proceed accordingly.

I have the freedom to say what I will but I would rather be remembered one day as a peacemaker, not a hatemonger.

I have the freedom to say what I will but I would rather be remembered one day for my kind words, not as an acid tongued troll.

Say what you want, but remember, you are responsible for what you say.

And, like my mom used to always say, sometimes it's best just to shut up.

So I think I'll shut up now.

Peace alllll.............


Oh great One said...

More words to live by!

Stupid is not allowed in my house either. I have slipped a few times only to be corrected by my daughter. It doesn't matter if it was used in reference to myself, the word was not allowed and she let me know. I gladly admit I'm wrong and apologize. I think it shows her that I make mistakes too and that I'm not above an apology.

Have you met those people who just make you feel good? They always have nice things to say. They make you feel like you are special. That is what I want people to think of me.

As usual another great post Sprinkle!

Adrianne said...

Thanks for teaching your kids well! It's been one of my big issues lately.

Granny Annie said...

I am going to post those three rules on my refrigerator for the grandchildren to learn.

sprinkle4 said...

Thanks guys for the great comments! Y'all are the best. (Sorry for the "y'all"'s a southern thing;))

Adrianne said...

I'm a yankee, but I like "ya'll."

SquirrleyMojo said...

a post to live by.

add "loser" to your list--i hate that word & it's connotation!