Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Thanks Heather!! this is the weirdest thing. I was reading Harmony's blog earlier and enjoying the list of weird stuff she had written about herself. Well, I was going to comment on my weird stuff but I had to read other people's weird stuff comments first. (Okay, I have said weird stuff too many times now.)

Anyhow, I was reading weird stuff about Heather and one of her things was that she talks to herself, complete with hand gestures and everything. I am SOOOOO glad to know that I am not the only person in the world that does this! My husband didn't even know that I did this until the other night.

It was about 2 in the morning and everyone was asleep. I was sitting up just going through the day's events, etc. in my head and talking to myself. Now, when I talk to myself, I will look as if I am talking to an invisible person. I don't speak very loudly (sometimes not out loud at all but my lips will be moving) but I will get the facial expressions and the hand gestures and I will laugh sometimes (if what I say is funny to me ;)) and it is something that I have been doing for many years now.

So, I'm sitting on the couch talking to myself and my husband comes out of the bedroom on his way to the bathroom. I do not know he is even there until I hear him say "What the hell are you doing?" Of course, he scared the crap out of me and after I said a quick prayer of thanks for controlling my bladder, I mumbled some lame excuse or the other. I think he was too sleepy to remember because he hasn't brought it up since then. Either that or he is simply afraid to.;)

I have until today thought I was some sort of freak because I have this habit. It is so comforting to know that I am not (well at least not because of this ;)) and if I am then I am not the only one. And for that, Heather I must thank you and thank you once again. And for all of you closet talk-to-yourselfers, come on out!

Peace alllll...............

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