Thursday, March 03, 2005

First Degree Theft

Okay, okay so call me a thief. I read this first on Shane's, then on Heather's blog. And since it is 3:45 a.m. I'll fill one out myself. Lotsa questions, lotsa answers.

1. First grade teachers name: had three in the same year so I really don't remember; however, my second grade teacher's name was Mrs. Wiggins.
2. Last person you kissed: Lukas
3. Last word you said: "Boo" (as in the nickname)
4. Last song you sang: "It's a Beautiful Morning"
5. Last person you hugged: Lukas, about 5 minutes ago.
6. Last thing you laughed at: Myself, when I fell at work last night
7. Last time you said I love you: about 5 minutes ago.
8. What's in your CD player: last time I checked, a piece of cookie.
9. What socks are you wearing: none...I hate them
10. What's under your bed? let's see: some toys, some socks (not mine), and...Fifi.
12. Current taste: grilled chicken Caesar salad
13. Current hair: I think the image of an Old English sheepdog would apply here
14. Current clothes: jeans, me a fashionista
15. Current annoyance: people who talk all the time and have nothing to say
16. Current longing: a clean house would be nice and of peace (I have watched Miss Congeniality waaay too much)
17. Current desktop: flowers, if you can believe it
18.Current worry: that I will grow old and die and my children will never have really known anything about the real me
19. Current hate: cruelty in all its forms
20. Current favorite article of clothing: a white knit sweater that Grover's mom gave me for Christmas
21. Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: the back of the neck (don't ask me why, I dunno)
22. Last CD you bought: Rampal's "Suite for Flute and Jazz Piano"
23. Favorite place to be: Newport News, Virginia
24. Least favorite place to be: Huntsville, Alabama
25. Time you wake up: two hours from the time I go to sleep, no matter what time it is
26. What instrument would you play if any: would love to learn to play the harp
28. Do you believe in an afterlife: sure do
29. Current favorite word: "what" when used as an exclamation, preferably at the end of a sentence
30. Favorite book: Bible
31. Favorite day: My off day, whatever day it may be on
32. Where do you want to go: England, have wanted to go there since I was 9
33. What is your career going to be like: HAHA moving on
34. How many kids do you want: 3 and I already have em
35. What kind of car do you have: 1985 Camaro, 1995 Villager
36. Type a line you remember from any book: Peace + Love= Information
37. Random lyric: "And so we grace another table, and lift our glasses one more time. There's a face at the window and we ain't never saying goodbye. One by one, only the good die young. They were just flying too close to the sun. And life goes on, without you."
38. Righty or lefty: left for writing, drawing and eating; right for everything else.
39. Sign: don't believe in it but have been told I am a Virgo
40. Innie or outie: innie
41. Heritage: Irish, Cherokee Indian and Apache Indian
42. Shoes worn today: none
43. Hair: shoulder length, straight, dark brown with reddish auburn streaks here and there
44. Your weaknesses: my family and my tendency to jump the gun versus thinking
45. Fears: heights
46. Perfect pizza: hamburger, black olives, extra onions and extra green peppers
47. One thing you would like to acheive: I would like to write a book (did I just say that?)
48. Your thoughts when first waking up: "What time is it?"
49. First feature you notice in the opposite sex: none really
50. Your bedtime: whenever these children will let me sleep
51. Your most missed memory: me and my mom talking late at night when neither one of us could sleep and she would tell me stories from her childhood
52. Pepsi or Coke: Coke
53. McDonald's or Burger King: Mickey D
54. Single/group dates: single (way back in the day of course)
55. Adidas or Nike: Nike
56. Lipton or Nestea: Lipton (I am a true Southerner)
57. Chocolate or Vanilla: both, mixed together
58. Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappuccino
59. Do you smoke: yes, but not as much
60. Do you sing: only when the CIA cannot figure out another way to torture a suspect
61. Do you take a shower daily? What are we in France? Of course
62. Ever been in love? Yes
63. Did you like high school? Absolutely not, hated it
64. Do you want to get married? Already there
65. Do you type with your fingers on the correct key? Sure do
66. Do you think you are attractive? Sure don't
67. Are you a health freak? No, no and no
68. Do you get along with your parents? Well, they are both deceased but I got along with my mom, not my dad
69. Do you play an instrument? Flute (yes I was a band geek)
70. Name: Lila S Sprinkle
71. Height: 5'11
72. Favorite toe: fourth toe on the right foot
73. In the morning I am: working and then I come home and work some more.
74. All I need is: someone who understands me and loves me anyway.
75. Love is: just as confusing now as it was then
76. If I could see one person right now: Briana
77. I dream about: being a better person than I am right now
78. Last person you slow danced with: I have never, ever slow danced with anyone, ever
79. Who makes you laugh the most? the people I work with and I don't even think they know it
80. Who makes you smile? my kids
81. Who gives you a funny feeling when you see them?.....umm ... nobody
82. Who is the easiest person to talk to? my best friend Rachel
83. Do you ever wish you were a member of the opposite sex? No, no and once again NO.
84. Do you ever cry because of something someone has said to you? Rarely, normally I just punch ;)
85. Ever fallen for your best friend? yes
86. Ever been rejected? More than I care to admit
87. Ever rejected someone? No
88. Ever used someone? No
89. Have you ever done something you regret? Many times
90. Last person you talked to on the phone: Rachel
91. Last person you hugged: Lukas
92. Last person you laughed with: Grover
93. Do you color your hair? Sure, but those crayons are hard to wash out.
94. Do you ever get off the computer? Well, yeah...if I didn't I would crush it eventually.
95. Do you speak Spanish? No, but I do speak French and German
96. Do you like MTV? Ummmm.....NO
97. Do you sleep for at least 12 hours? I am lucky if I can sleep for at least 12 minutes

Well, was it as good for you as it was for me? Hope so!

Peace alllll.................

1 comment:

Oh great One said...

Cacaboy and I both have said you should write professionally. We were talking about a newspaper article but I like the idea of a book better! I would buy it. DO IT!