Monday, March 21, 2005

Aggravatin' Situations

Okay, I am posting in orange today because I think it is one of the ugliest colors ever created and I am aggravated, agitated, irritated and so on and so on.

So, I was supposed to have surgery on the 18th to remove my gallbladder due to these really icky stones I have developed. Well, went to the doctor's office at 845 a.m. and he told me to head over to the hospital (to the outpatient admitting area). I get there and find out that my appointment for surgery isn't until 4! Okay, so they tell me to come back at 2 for pre-op, which I do. (I am very anal about time by the way.) Well, 4 comes and goes and about 5 we ask the nurse when they are going to be getting to me, because the IV and support hose and crap they have me in is getting a wee bit uncomfortable. They say that it will "be a while." So, at 7 O'CLOCK we ask again and we are told that it will be "a couple of more hours." No, it won't. I told them to send word to the doctor that I was going home and that I would call on Monday to reschedule. Maybe they can get it right next time.

So, I get home and spend allllll weekend cleaning the house and so on and so forth. Grover and I get into a bloodletting argument yesterday. Still am not quite sure what started it but it is still continuing today. (Never let it be said that I don't have stamina;))

My 11 (almost 12) year old is acting like an 11 (almost 12) year old. Any man that can remember back that far or any parent that can please have pity on me. Boys are sometimes no fun at all. I can take comfort in the fact that he will one day be my age and be too tired to be difficult;).

My 2 year old thinks it is very funny to just scream for no apparent reason at different times throughout the day. He is trying to see how loud and shrill he can get before he breaks glass.

My 1 year old is the only sane one in this house.....that is when he is not chewing on the cat's tail.

And you wonder why the male species frightens me?

Peace alllll...............


Oh great One said...

No WAY! You have a right to be mad! If you miss an appt. they charge you a fee but if they screw up your day then "OH well". I understand that they have emergencies pop up. That is the nature of their business. Why, then don't they come and let you in on the problem? Tell you that something has come up, it will be a while. Do you want to wait or reschedule? That would make me happy. A lot happier then waiting for hours on end to find out it will be longer!

That is probably what prompted your argument. You were already agitated and there was your outlet. I'm sure that is just making you easier to annoy. It's the surgeons fault, not yours! You should send the surgeon a bill for your time and emotional distress.

Hang in there Sprinkle! I am with you on this one! This is a sore spot with me!

Shane said...

Yeah, I've got a sore spot too. It's on my left shin where I raked it across the peddle of my bike. At least now I know not to go to the doctor ...... bastards!

Mad Housewife said...

orange IS ugly...yuck!