Friday, March 11, 2005


Well, you have all heard the phrase "When it rains, it pours." I am here to tell ya, yes it does. Remember last week when the kids had the colds and I had the strep and Grover had the flu? Okay, we all got over that.

I was at work last night, minding my business, kinda half doing my job as usual, when I was struck by the most horrific pains in my side. I ended up having to go home because I was in so much pain. So, I went to the emergency room this morning and after sitting in there for SIX hours and being poked and prodded on, I find out that I am the proud owner of gallstones! (Not to mention that pesky UTI.) So now, next Friday, I get to go and have my gallbladder removed. Whoo hoo, what fun.

Only one problem with this. Next weekend is Oakwood College Alumni weekend (i.e. the busiest weekend of the entire year) and I am not going to be there. Will I be fired? Will I care? Stay tuned for the next installment of "As The Stomach Churns".

Kidney stones, gallstones....are there any other types of stones I need to worry about?

Peace alllll...............


Oh great One said...

Oh my goodness! I am sorry to hear about your "stones"! Don't worry about work woman, take care of yourself!

sprinkle4 said...

Thanks guys and yes, Heather, they are. I have had two children and now two sets of stones and I would rather have two more kids!

grover said...

Stay tuned next week - Rolling Stones!