Thursday, March 17, 2005



Grover and I, both being of Irish descent, consider this to be one of the best, although pretty much unnecessary, holidays ever invented. Who would have ever thought of drinking green beer, eating cabbage and green bread (isn't that called moldy?) all day once a year except the Irish. Add some potatoes to that and you have enough gas to fuel a Hummer until next year! Of course, I don't drink so the whole cabbage thing is my blast (no pun intended;)).

This was my mother's favorite holiday. Eight years ago she passed away on this day. She would have certainly appreciated the irony of that. (She's the one I got my sense of humor from by the way;).) I'm not wearing green today so pinch me if you want to Mom...and if you do I'm outta here.

Peace allll................

P.S. Grover...thanks for the limericks on your blog today...I'm truly surprised you didn't put in your favorite about the man with the corkscrew.....well, maybe it was good that ya didn't!;)

1 comment:

SquirrleyMojo said...

must have been a good patty's day if you haven't posted since! ;-)