Wednesday, June 27, 2007

There are a few things in this life that I just don't understand. Actually, there are several. Truth be told about it, there are so many that a lot of the time it keeps me in a state of mild confusion.

Thing number one: They used to have cigarette commercials on TV. Now, I don't remember ever seeing any when I was young because they have been banned from commercials for a verrrrrrry long time. Question is: why do they still have commercials for beer, wine, whiskey and a host of other alcoholic beverages on TV? Not understanding this at all. I have never personally heard of anyone hitting someone with their car while they were under the influence of nicotine. I have also never seen someone try to beat the mess out of someone three times their size because they had been smoking. And there has never, in my recollection, been heard by any spouse or significant other "Honey, I'm sorry. It was a one night stand. We had been smoking cigarettes all night and I don't really remember the rest of it." Just curious......maybe the tobacco companies weren't willing to pay the government as much money as the alcohol companies. Hmmmmm..........

Thing number two: What happened to excessive skin exposure on TV being a late night thing? I can be watching cartoons and all of a sudden a deodorant commercial with the half-dressed woman dancing in the leather pants at the club comes on. My kids have the rest of their lives to see half-dressed women once they get grown. I don't think they need to see it on the commercial break of "Sponge Bob".

Number three: What is really going on with "sport tampons"? What in the world is a "sport tampon"? Women have been playing sports with the same old non-athletic tampons for years. Next thing you know, they'll be selling "extreme tampons" or maybe even "extreme sports gel tampons". Are they trying to get men to buy them? We all know that pretty much only men can be swayed by a product with the words "sport", "extreme", or "magnum" on it.

Four: What has happened to Cartoon Network?? Used to be the place for me all night long, with "Tom and Jerry" and "Cow and Chicken" and even "Johnny Bravo". Now, all they have on after 7 p.m. is Adult Swim. And my cable company is telling me that I can add Cartoon Network "Original" on to my cable lineup for only "a few dollars a month." Why can't adults pay the extra for Adult Swim and keep the cartoons on for the kids? Just another example of grown-ups ruining everything fun.

And last but not least.....why do doctors make you wait 2 weeks for the results of any test when they know they can have the results back in about 24 hours? And why, oh why, do they tell you that your appointment is at a certain time and please don't be late when they know, they KNOW, that the doctor is actually overbooked and you are going to be sitting in that waiting room for at least 2 hours reading those same crappy out of date Ladies Home Journal and Fish and Stream magazines from 1994??

Sorry about the kvetching.......but sometimes ya gotta let it out on screen so you don't let it out on your husband:)

Peace allllllll...................


Oh great One said...

You raise some very good questions. I'm with you on the beer commercials. How big of a problem does it need to become before they pull THOSE commercials off the air?

I read in some magazine that you should try to schedule your appt first thing in the morning. Those first appts are usually on time because the doctor hasn't had a chance to get behind!

begins with v said...

sport tampons??? I haven't heard of this! I'm going to be rejoining the tampon world very soon has been a nice long 9 month vacation from aunt flo!