Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Numbering My Days

There is a verse in the Bible, where it is escapes me just now. It says something to the effect of "Lord, teach me to number my days." Now, I could go off on a whole tangent about this but.....well, you know what? I think I will.

The whole upshot of this verse is to never take a day for granted. It could be your last. And this is really heavy on my mind today because yesterday was a very strange day. It seemed like everyone, and by everyone I mean EVERYONE, even the cats, was tripping about one thing of the other. Everyone wanted to walk around with a chip on their shoulder, some pebble sized and some big ole boulder sized. (We won't discuss what size mine was, suffice it to say I was walking with a serious lean.) And late last night when I was lying in bed, it came to me: this could have been a wonderful day and we just about ruined it because none of us wanted to keep it that way. We all wanted to act ignorant and demand what we wanted when we wanted it and act as if the whole world should have paid attention. It was sort of a messed up day and we're the ones that messed it up.

And it may have been our last.

Oh, no, nothing dangerous or bad or unfortunate happened. But what if it had? What if we hadn't made it through to see today? The best thing that anyone could have said about our last day was....."Well, they seemed to be in a bad mood all day....man, that sucks." The last memory my children would have had of me is that I was not my normal outgoing, effervescent, ebullient self.....that I was a grouch.

Everyone is entitled to a moment every once in a while. A moment. Not a day, a week, or a lifetime. How much time, how many days have you wasted being in a bad mood, being upset, being ticked off or frustrated?

I'm not saying you should walk around singing "Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy" all day every day. We are, after all, only human. But take into account how much energy you are putting into negativity, and how much time you are wasting.

I do not want to look back at the end of my life and say "Man, i could have done so much more if I would have only gotten my head out of my butt and the chip off my shoulder and just done it." I want to live every day as if it were my last, and accomplish as much as I can in a 24 hour period. Carpe Diem and all that. I want everyone I love to know that I love them every day, even if I am having a moment. And I want those moments to be shorter and fewer and farther between. Because, all in all, it's a good life and, when it isn't, half the time the fault can be traced back to me.

Live like you were dying and I think you'll live a lot better.


Peace allllllll.................................


Oh great One said...

Well said. We could all do well to stop and think about the way we leave others feeling in our wake.

I looked up that line. I believe it's Psalms 90:12 So teach us to number our days. That we main gain a heart of wisdom.

Granny Annie said...

then what do we do?