Sunday, June 03, 2007

Seven Days

So, since it will probably take me a little while to catch up on the past few months or so, let me spend a few moments just catching up on the past week. In the last seven days I have had:

a corneal abrasion, otherwise known as a scratch on the eyeball. Since I wear contacts ALL the time and have for the past 2 years, I have never been bothered to purchase a pair of back-up glasses (yeah, I know...stupid is as stupid does NOT do). Consequently, for about 2 days I had to go around with one contact in and one out. 20/20 vision in one eye and 20/200 in the other. Do you know what that does to person's depth perception? Nothing nice.

a burn on my hand. What happened you may ask. Simple...I was taking biscuits out of the oven and because I couldn't really see them very well, I put my bare hand not on the potholder but on the pan itself.

a really ugly cold, which I then proceeded to give to everyone in the house.

I cooked a wonderful dinner the other night which included baked fish. When I put my childrens' plates on the table and told them it was time for dinner, Lukas comes to the table, looks at the fish, looks at me and says "Oooh, Mom.....that looks asgusting." Not disgusting, but asgusting. This ain't "Hell's Kitchen" young man.

I went into my kitchen the other day and Lukas had gotten a pack of hot chocolate out of the cabinet, put it in a blue tumbler, put cold water in it and was trying to put it in the microwave to heat it up. When I walked in on him in the middle of this and asked him what he was doing, he replied "Making coffee mom, what're you doin'?" He wasn't trying to be a smart aleck...just a grownup. Oh, if he only knew.

Jakob was in the backyard swinging the other day and had to go pee. I suppose in his mind it was just a little too far to actually come in the house and use the bathroom so he just whipped his pants down and took care of business in the back yard. What I wouldn't give to be 3 again:) (Or just a guy somedays;))

Jakob has also developed an affinity for anything that buttons or zips. Okay, that would be okay if he hadn't gone into the winter clothes and found a fleece jacket of his that does both. Now he won't take the thing off except to bathe. And the second he gets out of the tub he puts it right back on. Which I wouldn't even be concerned except he wears it outside to play and it's like 90 degrees during the day now. I've tried to hide it but he keeps finding it. And let me tell ya, when he puts that on and the sunglasses he's become so attached to, he looks just like a mini jazz musician out in the backyard. Let's just hope that he doesn't finish off the outfit with his dad's hardhat again. Now that really will have the neighbors calling the funny farm. I believe in self-expression but come on now.

Josh got a concussion on the slip and slide the other day. He slipped instead of sliding and landed on his head. Fortunately he's got a hard head and a looooot of hair.

Has anyone been watching the Flavor of Love Girls: Charm School? That Larissa is one eeeevil little girl. Yeah, I know it's brain rot but after a full week of watching Sesame Street, Backyardigans and WonderPets, I have to have something to zone out on.

I know that this post is all over the place but give me a couple of days to get my mind refreshed and remolded back into the steel trap it once was, albeit a bit rusty;) I feel like I've been in hibernate mode for a while.

And now I'm going to cook my pot roast since today I can see it and won't be coughing over it .

Peace aalllllllllllllll.................


Oh great One said...

I WISH I could get my kids to eat fish. My daughter gave it up years ago when her fish stick had a "dark thing" in it. Now I'm making salmon filets and tilapia and only my husband will eat it with me!

Larissa is EVIL! I don't watch the show regularly but I've caught enough to know kinda what's going on.

That's a LOT of injuries for one week Sprinkle. Maybe you should wrap you and your kids in bubble wrap! *wink*

Granny Annie said...

If this is a seven day report, I can't imagine what a report of the entire missing six months will be! Can't wait! LOL