Thursday, June 07, 2007


Let's see.......what is the best way for me to put this? Okay, I think I've got it. Here we go:

I cannot tolerate a snob. An intellectual snob that is.

Everyone on this earth was born with a certain amount of intelligence, some more and some less than others. But most of us, by the time we are grown anyway, have figured out how to put our pants on and wave good-bye. Most of us also recognize the importance of a good joke, not to mention a good cheeseburger. I like to consider that our common thread of humanity.

I am not talking about everyone.....just a select few. You know, those people who are constantly trying to impress others with overt displays of their "intellectual superiority." The kind of people you see in public and you know, you just know, that when they go home, they put on their smoking jackets and puff on their pipes and sip their Earl Grey tea and look down their noses at the "common man."

Don't get me wrong. I'm a fan, a big fan, of book learnin'. Have a little of it myself. I , too, know how to read and cipher and such. (Did I spell cipher right?;)) I even know Pig Latin. But I do not believe that it is ever, EVER, in good taste to beat someone over the head with all them there books you done learned from. Do I beleive that these "intellectual giants" (and I DO use the term loosely) should never converse with us normal folk? Well, of course not. But, dude, just sit down and talk. Have a normal, fun conversation. Eat a cookie. Tell a knock-knock joke even. Because I have to tell ya, your pedantic displays are not impressing anyone, except maybe you. And your flatulent condescension is gettin' a little too funky for me. You can find information in books but not wisdom. That, my friend, is found out there in the real world. You do remember where that is don't you?

Now, to other end of the spectrum.......Paris Hilton just got out of jail after 3 days. 3 days......just goes to show that money really does talk sometimes.....and very loudly at that. Think she learned anything, other than how to use a payphone? We'll see. Think her 3 days with the "common man" had any impact on her? Oh, yeah, that's right. She was sequestered for her stay in the big house. Separated from everyone else based on who she is. Hmmmmmm.......that sounds like a whole different kind of snobbery, now don't it?

Peace alllllllllllllll................


Oh great One said...

Amen Sista!

As for the Paris thing. I didn't really think she'd serve all her time?.

Granny Annie said...

I have always believed that superiority complexes were more damaging than inferiority complexes. I think we all suffer from some form of superior feelings.

And, how about Paris? Looks like a judge heard from lots of folks with your opinion (and mine) and sent the little girlie girl back to the hoosegow (sp?) where she belongs. Hooray for a dose of justice.