Sunday, July 01, 2007

Not The Best Mother

I may not be the best mother in the world.

Yesterday, my children ate kool-pops for breakfast. It was a nice switch from the standard eggs and cereal.

Today, my children went out to the pool and tracked mud in and out oh, I don't know, three or four times. I simply mopped and mopped again and didn't even fuss about it.

I let them jump on their beds last week.

Sometimes I let them stay up late.

I don't always have the right answer so every once in a while I just make one up.

I am often too willing to abandon housecleaning for roughhousing in the back yard, or the front yard, or just wherever.

Not too long ago, they drew all over their bedroom walls. I fussed at them of course, but I was secretly pleased at their 'artistic expression'. It's gonna be a big pain to have to paint over it but, oh well.

I have been known to tell them "just wear what you have on" if I'm in a hurry and it's a quick trip.

I don't do a lot of things that a lot of so-called "good moms" do. But I do this much:

I take them to church.

I read to them.

I talk to them.

I listen to them.

I bandage and kiss every owee and boo-boo, real or imaginary.

I hug them.

I pray with them.

I pray for them.

I love them.

So, I'm not June Cleaver. I can't walk very well in high heels and haven't owned a pair of pantyhose in years. The last nice necklace I had I broke. I'm loud and clumsy and will probably never look very put-together no matter how hard I try. I can't bake bread without burning it and the dogs won't even eat my homemade biscuits. The microwave is my best friend somedays. I don't sew or knit or do anything that could be considered dainty.

But I do walk barefoot in the yard and talk to my kids about God and life and love and how to treat people. And for now, they listen. And at the end, of the day, when I am sitting on the back porch eating yet another kool-pop, that's really all you can ask for.

I know I'm not the best mother in the world. And one day, my kids may even tell me that I'm not. But today......

they think I am.:)

Peace allllllll....................


Oh great One said...

Good for you! It's too easy to get down on yourself for not being the perfect mother. You sound like a fabulous one to me!

Granny Annie said...

Some people compete for best parent awards while others, like you, are just great parents for the sake of the children and not for awards.