Sunday, June 17, 2007


And because it's your day, you get the big piece of chicken tonight. (Yes, I'm talking about dinner people, nothing else!)

And Happy Father's Day to the rest of you wonderful gentlemen out there. Enjoy it while you can. Tomorrow's Monday, remember:)

Peace allllllll...............................


Oh great One said...

Happy Fathers day grovee!

(My son has a stuffed grover that he loves dearly. We affectionately call him grovee.)

Shane said...

What?! Who is this? I know it's not my old pal, Sprinkle, because she fell off the edge of the planet long ago.

I don't know who this impostor is, but it's not funny ... getting people's hopes up like that. You should be ashamed of yourself.

sprinkle4 said...

OGO: I call Grover "Grovee" as well, normally when I want something

Shane: Oh, yes, it is I grasshopper. Speaking of falling off the edge of the planet, where have YOU been? ;)