Thursday, September 29, 2005

Back to Work

My off days for the week are through. Tonight begins a weekend of festivity for me....yeah , right. One of our local colleges (Alabama A&M) is having their Homecoming game this Saturday. This means that they will start all of their pre-parties tonight and it will continue until well after the game Saturday night going into Sunday morning. What does this mean to me? Business.....lots and lots of business. Quite possibly ugly business at that. See, this is like the second busiest weekend of the year (asided from Oakwood alumni weekend, which is a whole different annoying animal) and the final score of the game will determine how rude my customers are this weekend. They will be rude of course....that's a given. But the worse the game goes, the ruder they get......what fun!;) Still, there is always the standard 15% on parties of six or more (thank God for that or I wouldn't make any money at all this week) and there will be several, several of those.

Plus, I still sound like a frog so I hope I don't have to yell at anyone this weekend. There goes all of my fun;).

Wish me luck good peoples!!! I'm gonna need it!

Peace alllll.......


Oh great One said...

Good Luck!

At least the time will pass faster. I used to hate the slow nights when I worked at a restaurant. They seemed to drag on forever.

Oh great One said...

Well, it's Monday. How did it go? How is your voice?