Tuesday, September 20, 2005

38....Not Just A Bra Size

I am 38....there....I said it. And it feels good. It feels very good.

I was reading CCB's blog earlier today and he was listing the advantages of growing older. And I must say that I agree with alllll of them (except the silver haired fox thing...you're right...that only works for guys;)) And I also must say that I am sooo grateful to be where I am now in my life.

When I was 18 I thought that was great too...looking back however, I realize that there was just so much about the real world that I didn't know....I just thought I did at the time.

When I was 25 I was depressed about being 'a quarter of a century old'. (of course at the time I didn't realize that I was in the prime of my youth....not the prime of my life mind you, and there is a difference.) And I spent most of my 20's feeling kind of dumb and inexperienced about life in general....there was so much I didn't know how to do and so much that I wanted to learn. So I spent a lot of time trying to impress people.

When I was 30, I still felt like I was in my 20's...still kind of dumb and wondering where the heck my life was actually going.

When I was 33, I was feeling my youth slip away and was trying desperately to stop it. Two jobs, school....run, run, run all the time.

When I was 35, I was having my 'oh my goodness, I am soooo close to 40' phase. That was not a good year because I still didn't understand that being thisohsoclose to 40 was not a bad thing.

Now, I am 38.....I realize that there is still a lot about the world that I don't know, I still feel kind of dumb somedays and I still don't really know where the heck my life is going. But I do know that it's been a good life so far. Moments may have sucked but all in all it hasn't been too bad. And what has been too bad I have managed to get through with most of my sanity and my sense of humor intact.

I still enjoy talking to the 20 somethings when they ask me for advice (one of the great things about being 'older' is people think you are so much smarter than you actually are;)), I like being called ma'am (sometimes)...and I can publicly announce that I actually do listen to Barry Manilow...and enjoy it.

There is just something about being over the age of 35 that is very liberating....something that makes you just not really care what other people think of you. And it makes life a whole lot more fun.

And in a couple of years I'll be 40....that oughta be a blast. I can officially start wearing really ugly clothes and funny hats...after all, that's what southern women over the age of 40 do isn't it?

Peace alll..........


sprinkle4 said...

Once you wake up and all your joints unstiffen and you make it the bathroom before you cough (that is a must!)....then yeah, it feels pretty darn sexy. Just one thing though....never, ever, ever turn sideways and lift your butt up and then move your hand and watch it fall...no, scratch that...just don't ever turn sideways in front of a mirror;)

Oh great One said...

I really don't have any issues with my age. I'm 33 now. I have started noticing differences in my body though. What was I thinking when I was younger? I wasn't so fat! I wish I had realized that years ago.

CaCaBoy said...

38 is great! I did, however, have major troubles with 27. I really could see the difference in my physical abilities (athletic!). It was suttle, but I knew it was diminished. Bummed me out for months.
Thanks for the love!

begins with v said...

well I think 38 is great! And I also think that women need to be more proud of their age so that we can work toward dismissing age taboos.