Thursday, September 22, 2005

Random Happenings Around The House

Joshua has joined the Boy Scouts. He joined last week. And oh my goodness, what a round of excitement this has generated in my home. See, Grover is an Eagle Scout and has always considered his experience in the Scouts to be one of the greatest times of his life. So, fast forward 20 years and now he gets to impart all of his knowledge to a younger generation. (Of course, he is going to be an Assistant Scout Master, what else?) We had always planned on Lou and Boo being Cub Scouts but this is like Christmas come early for Grover. It's really cute to see him all excited over it. (Seriously, the man couldn't even sleep last night!)

I am throwing a Halloween party for the kids next month. We really don't like them all going trick or treating because so few people around here actually give out candy any more. And we could take them to the church festival but there are so many people there and trying to keep up with little kids in the midst of all those people and all that noise is a daunting task for even the most active of parents. Soooo, to save time and trouble, Grover and I decided to have a party for all the kids that we know...friends and extended family. It's still in the early planning stages but all the grown ups we know have come on board and it looks like it might turn out to be a lot of fun. If any of you have any suggestions for any kind of games or activities, they are more than welcome.

The painting business is finally starting to get warmed up. We have the contract for our apartment complex to start doing the rip-outs next month when they start between that and two other full time jobs and Scout meetings and kids and the holidays coming up......well, I may get to sleep sometime around January.

Oh, dear, I think I may actually be a soccer mom in the making...and given the fact that I was the punk rocker in high school with the safety pins in my face and the shaved THAT'S funny.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go bake some cookies.....or something like that.

Peace allll.........


Oh great One said...

You were a punk rocker? You had safety pins in your face? That makes me smile. Isn't it funny how much we change over the years?

I still refuse to get a mini van though.;)

sprinkle4 said...

I already have one of those! The Camaro didn't have enough room for all the people we have to carry (but don't tell anyone;))

Anonymous said...

I KNOW you, Lila! We went to school together and I HATED Chris C. too! What a jackass he was! I just found this blog and I hope you are well! I'll pop back in soon and see if you can figure me out! Take care!

Anonymous said...

I KNOW you, Lila! We went to school together and I HATED Chris C. too! What a jackass he was! I just found this blog and I hope you are well! I'll pop back in soon and see if you can figure me out! Take care!

sprinkle4 said...

Drats! Ye've found me out!:)