Monday, October 03, 2005


My feet are numb.....still. My back is sore....still. And I have been having this recurring dream where I am being chased by a Rooty Tooty Fresh and Fruity. Every year I know this is going to happen on A&M homecoming weekend and every year I lack the common sense to just go out of town instead of going to work.

But, on the plus side, my voice is back...much to the dismay of the many drunks I have had to yell at over the past couple of days:)

Now I just have to clean my house. I know there's one here under all this mess.

Peace alllll.......

P.S. Thanks for all of the laryngitis remedies! I pretty much tried them all, so I don't know which one did the trick but one of 'em did!


Oh great One said...

I'm glad you are feeling better! I think Mr. Grover needs to rub them tootsies of yours.PRONTO!

begins with v said...

cure for the rooty tooty dream--go to IHOP...yummmm

CaCaBoy said...

Food chasing dreams are just creepy!

Bet you made the buck in tips! Glad your feelin' better.