Thursday, September 01, 2005

The Best and The Worst

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."-A Tale of Two Cities

This is a tale of one city....and one country.

I have been watching the coverage of Katrina and the aftermath for several days now. I have been alternately awestruck, revolted, angered, and moved to tears at the images that I have seen. I have seen the best and the worst of human nature.

I have watched people looting stores and running through the flooded streets like they were on holiday. Not just grabbing food, water and diapers. That would be understandable; you have to survive. But clothes and furniture? Attempting to profit off of someone's tragedy?
I have seen people screaming for help and being ignored, violence bubbling just underneath the surface of fear. People shooting at the very ones who are trying to help them. People complaining that the help isn't coming fast enough. Dead bodies floating in the water and the walking dead who have lost their families, their homes, their everything and people right next to them who are beginning to turn on one another because they don't know where else to turn.

I have also watched as people have gone down there to help. People who have sent money, blood, food, supplies, water. People from Texas to Alabama to Tennessee who have opened their homes to people they don't even know. Churches here and in other areas that have been opened as shelters. Corporations that have donated millions of dollars, cars, trucks, helicopters, building supplies and other necessities. Medical personnel that have volunteered time and skill. State governments who have stepped in to provide whatever help they can. Local hotels that have allowed people to stay for free until they can find other accomodations. Refugees that have come to my town and others to find work have been given whatever jobs have been available to tide them over until they can go back home, if they can ever go back.

It has been a nightmare and will continue to be so for some time. The situation is desperate and it looks like it will get worse before it gets better. However, it will get better. I know this because I know my country. This is the United States of America . We may not always agree with each other; shoot, we may not always even LIKE each other but when push comes to shove we take care of our own. It's what we do.

I would like to ask each and every one of you to help in any way that you can. A dollar at one of the local collection agencies helps. Give blood; it will be in short supply soon. Donate food, water, toiletries, anything that you can. I am sure that you have local collection agencies in your area. If not, then ask the Red Cross where you can make a donation. Send a don't even have to leave your house to do that.

Just try to help....any way that you can. Because the next time, and there will be a next time (there always is), it could be you and yours.

Peace alllll.........


sprinkle4 said...

See, if only everyone had that attitude it would make life so much easier. You are too kind:)

United We Lay said...

We've already sent as much help as we could. I have to take breaks from watching the coverage. I'm just so disapointed in my government. I've been watching BBC and Spanish news because American news stations are only reporting a fraction of the story. And I've watched my government flat out LIE to me for days.