Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Speaking Of.....

nothing.......I have laryngitis. It first started last weekend (not this past weekend but the one before that)....I was really, really hoarse and once I had a couple of days off I was fine. Then I went back to work and by the time the weekend was over I was hoarse again. Now my voice is almost completely gone. Does anyone have any home remedies for laryngitis? I know the number one thing is to rest your throat and not speak if at all possible but....I have toddlers and I am required to do a lot of talking (if not yelling;)) in my job. So if anyone at all has any type of home remedy, folk cure....anything, please let me know.

One more thing.....why, when someone knows you cannot speak any louder than a whisper, do they choose that time to ask you to repeat yourself?? Just curious.

Peace alllll........


sprinkle4 said...

LOL....since I can't do it out loud right now, I assure you I'm laughing on the inside;)

Oh great One said...

I looked on WebMD and this is what I found. I don't think you will like them though. I don't know how many of them you can actually do with your kids and customers and such.


Home Treatment

Laryngitis symptoms usually go away on their own within 2 weeks. You can help speed your recovery by using the following home treatment measures:1

Rest your voice. You do not have to stop speaking entirely, but use your voice as little as possible. Speak softly but do not whisper because whispering can actually irritate your larynx more than speaking softly. Avoid talking on the telephone or trying to speak loudly.

Try not to clear your throat. This can cause further injury and inflammation to your larynx. Taking a nonprescription cough suppressant medication may help if you have a dry cough that does not produce mucus.

Stop smoking and stay away from secondhand smoke. Cigarette smoke irritates the throat and larynx and makes existing inflammation worse.
Use a humidifier in your home. Humidity helps to thin the mucus in the nasal membranes that causes stuffiness or postnasal drip.

Drink plenty of fluids (at least 8 glasses of water each day).

Relieve nasal stuffiness. The nose helps to humidify inhaled air, which keeps mucus at its proper consistency. A saline nasal wash may help.

Treat and prevent gastroesophageal reflux. To help prevent or lessen reflux that can irritate or damage your larynx, try not to eat shortly before going to bed, reduce the amount of coffee and alcohol you drink, and eat healthy foods. Taking nonprescription acid reducers can help when these prevention measures are not enough.

Lucy Stern said...

My mom always made us gargle with warm salt water.

Adrianne said...

I imagine that drinking lemon tea with honey would help. That always soothes my throat when I have a cold.

I'm sorry you have laryngitis. Since I like to talk a lot, it's terrible! I hope it's better soon.