Thursday, June 02, 2005

This and That

Thanks, Grover, for finally posting again! It's good to see you back in blogsville:) Now, can we please be a little more consistent? Thank you.

My children have dentist's appointments next week. At this dentist, they do not allow the parents to go back with the kids. They say that the kids are easier to handle without the parents presence. Is this something I should worry about I wonder? In this day of freaks and weirdos I guess I'm a little paranoid but I really don't like this practice.

I have had a very boring week. I have deliberately avoided the news (for once) because Grover swears that I get very hostile afterwards. He thinks it's PMS. I think it's just a reaction to government stupidity;).

Anyone that has never read Grover's blog give it a whirl. He's a weirdo but I love him anyway;)

Will be back with more as soon as someone ticks me off sufficiently! (Shouldn't take long around here.)

Peace all..........


Oh great One said...

I think CCBoy is going to cut me off from the news soon too. After watching the news last night I was angry, sad and near tears.

Anonymousgrrl said...

They ask they you not go back...go anyway. If they don't like it, go somewhere else.
My kids, my business. :)
Mommy's rights!

Shane said...

I'd like to go on record with saying this: Grover's a freakin' comedic genius! Thank you for your time. Carry on.