Thursday, June 23, 2005

To Tell Ya The Truth.....

Several days ago, I read a couple of really, really good posts from Edge and Shane concerning the topic of honesty. I have been observing the people closest to me ever since to see how they stack up on the 'honesty scale.'

Most people I know do pretty well, as they attempt to be truthful most of the time, reserving the 'white lie' only when trying to save face or spare feelings. There are a couple that lie to breathe (that is, if they are breathing , chances are they are lying about something) but I can deal with those people because I KNOW that they are chronic liars and I just want to hear what kind of story they'll come up with this time. (They are quite inventive, these people....expecially the guy who said he was chased through the Alaskan wilderness by drug dealers on snow shoes.)

However, there is a third group of people that I simply cannot tolerate. These are the ones who use 'honesty' as an excuse for brutality. You know, the ones who simply cannot tell the truth with a modicum of tact but must be as rude about it as humanly possible, as if they are trying to see how low they can cut you down. And if you asked them why they say the things that they do, they will respond with the time honored phrase "What, you didn't want me to lie did you?"

No, I didn't want you to lie. Honesty is the best policy and so forth. However, I did expect you to take the 30 seconds it would have taken to arrange your 'truth' in the nicest form and not just blurt out the first thing that popped into your head. You see, children do that and we allow it because they are children. In the world of adulthood, there are other things to be how we might make another person feel, how we might be making ourselves look (in other words, if you don't want people to think you're an ass don't act like one) and what the verbal and physical responses to our 'honesty' will be. (Ever been popped upside the head for calling someone ugly? Keep calling people that and you will be)

I guess what I am trying to say in my rambling, long winded way is this: be honest, be truthful.... but above all considerate. Much of our truth is subjective.....merely our opinion on things....and as such our idea of truth may or may not be someone else's. Keep that in mind before you publicly announce that your co-worker's breath stinks or that yes, that dress DOES make your wife look fat. (Believe me, someone else will think she's a beauty queen even if you don't)

And sometimes, in our quest for truth it's best to realize that the greatest truths are often found in silence.

And that's all I've got to say about that.

Peace alllllll...........


Shane said...

Well, you put me in my place. Consider me silenced.

sprinkle4 said...

Now see, Shane, why did you automatically presume that was for you? Actually, most of that was for Grover (he has issues with rudeness sometimes ya know;)).

Shane said...

"Keep that in mind before you publicly announce that your co-worker's breath stinks or that yes, that dress DOES make your wife look fat."

Sounds like something I might have (did) said (say).

sprinkle4 said...

A few years ago, when Grover was working at a shipyard, he had a coworker whose breath was sooo bad that Grover didn't feel mere words would suffice so....he put on a gas mask with a HEPA filter and asked the guy if he wanted a piece of gum. Funny as I found that to be I am still surprised that Grover has the use of all of his limbs after that.

Oh great One said...

I know people that lie all the time. I say,"they just throw out a hundred lies a day to see which ones stick." It is so infuriating to me for people to lie about stupid things. Not to stay out of trouble, not to save peoples feelings, just because they can. I know that isn't really what your post was talking about but it feels good to say it.

madgirl said...

yep. /me nods away at every line.

theres a difference between honesty and brutality. folks who tell the 'straight plain truth' - and word it in ways that cut you to the bone - deserve a good kick. or two :)

i get the creative liars thing. i have a couple of friends like that. its kinda entertainin if i just keep in mind to take a shovel with me when we chat :)

take care huh?

SquirrleyMojo said...

a student once told me i had no tact--i thought i was just being honest--thanks for the thought--

my mate will appreciate it I'm sure!