Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Stole This List

I stole this list from Red. I know, I know.....I have no hope of coming up with an original list of my own;) But I really enjoyed doing this one. So here goes:

If I were a month I'd be: October
If I were a season I'd be: autumn
If I were a day of the week I'd be: Thursday
If I were a time of day I'd be: 3:17 a.m.
If I were a planet I'd be: Mercury
If I were a sea creature I'd be: dolphin
If I were a direction I'd be: north northwest
If I were a sin I'd be: a lie
If I were a historical figure I'd be: Rosa Parks
If I were a liquid I'd be: water
If I were a tree I'd be: a mimosa
If I were a bird I'd be: albatross
If I were a tool I'd be: a pair of needlenose pliers
If I were a flower I'd be: sunflower
If I were a kind of weather I'd be: sunny, becoming darker later
If I were a mythical creature I'd be: an elf
If I were a musical instrument I'd be: a bass flute
If I were a house pet I'd be: a parakeet
If I were a color I'd be: indigo
If I were an emotion I'd be: frustration
If I were a vegetable I'd be: a bell pepper
if I were a fruit I'd be: a white seedless grape
If I were a sound I'd be: a bird chirping in a thunderstorm
If I were an element I'd be: water
If I were a car I'd be: Mustang GTO
If I were a song I'd be: "It's a Beautiful Morning"
If I were a book I'd be: "Farnham's Freehold"
If I were a place I'd be: the subway
If I were a material I'd be: denim
If I were a taste I'd be: watermelon taffy
If I were a scent I'd be: vanilla and oranges
If I were a word I'd be: YES!
If I were an object I'd be: a chalk board
If I were a body part I'd be: a hand
If I were a facial expression I'd be: a raised eyebrow
If I were a subject in school I'd be: British Lit
If I were a shape I'd be: a triangle
If I were an ice cream flavour I'd be: Neopolitan
If I were a celebrity I'd be: Kevin Spacey
If I were a body of water I'd be: the Indian Ocean
If I were a land form/area of land I'd be: the Black Hills
If I were something made of glass I'd be: a vase
If I were something made of paper I'd be: a poem...or a grocery list

Peace allllll...........


Mad Housewife said...

Raised eyebrow, grocery list? Those were gonna be my second choices. Hehe!

Shane said...

You're great, L.