Monday, June 13, 2005

Monday Monday and My Job Sucks

Monday is my off day. On this day I normally spend a lot of time trying to restore my house to its fomer glory...i.e. the way it looked before I had to work all weekend and leave it to the whims and wiles of a handful of males whose idea of cleaning is to toss everything in the bedrooms or under the couches. Anyhow, this is what I do on Mondays. Once I get into the cleaning groove, I hate to be disturbed. It interrupts the rhythm, ya know. Today I have been interrupted.

IHOP is coming out with new and improved menus. (Like I care.) We are expected to learn each and every new item and refresh ourselves on the old ones (Like I care.) To aid us in this most noble cause, we are having a mandatory staff meeting at 3 p.m. today to discuss MENUS. Not tardiness, laziness, gossiping, shiftlessness, company policies or any of the many other worthwhile topics but menus. An hour and a half at least of my day wasted when they could just give us a copy of the new ones, tell us to learn it and have a nice day. But nooooooooo....that would be too simple and make entirely too much sense. They have to have the top dogs from the corporate office come down and hold our hands through this process like we just got off of the short bus this morning. Unfortunately I do not believe there will be a question and answer period at any point during this meeting but if there is I have a couple of questions:

1. Why, if we are not actually waiting on a table, are we expected to be clocked out on a break? This is the first restaurant I have ever worked in where they do not 'run breaks'. No thirty minutes of unadulterated time for you to sit down. You have to get in where you fit in.

2. Why is there a padlock on the inside of the back door in the kitchen? You can't get in from the outside, so why padlock the inside? Is this not a direct violation of the fire code? Just curious.

3. Do we have a random drug testing policy? If you want to drugs that's your business but I get so tired of working with people who can't handle what they ingest, start feeling sick and then just have to go home.

Anyhow, I'll leave the rest of my griping for another day. I have to go comb my hair. (See... another interruption....I normally don't do that on Monday;)) (That was a joke people)

I wonder if we're supposed to take notes during this meeting. I wonder if anyone would get mad if I raised my hand and asked how to spell 'pancake'? Just a thought.

Peace alllll...............

1 comment:

Oh great One said...

As if a meeting on your day off doesn't suck enough, they scheduled it in the middle of the day! I don't know about you but I would haver preferred to get up and go in in the morning and then had the rest of my day free! Now you have to stop everything get ready then go to your meeting. Try getting your cleaning groove back after that! RRRR