Monday, March 03, 2008

Thinking and Wondering

This is what I am doing today:

I am sitting in the den on my computer looking out the window wondering when the storms are going to start. Today's high was 75 and tomorrow's high is going to be about 50. See, I don't know how it is in the rest of the world but when that happens here in Alabama aka the bowels of the world, it means it's a gonna come a gullywasher afore the night is done. We are sitting in the crosswalk of Tornado Alley, so March is always a fun month here.

(When my husband first moved here 6 years ago, he knew that we had tornado "issues" here but he was unaware of the floods, electrical storms and occasional mild earthquake. He also didn't know that the city in which we live is actually built over a huge underground lake, and every once in a while a sinkhole will just pop up out of nowhere. Poor guy, no wonder he hates this town;))

I am wondering what the big deal on the Gary Busey kissing Jennifer Garner on the neck on the red carpet is. He saw her, he kissed her on the neck in front of a kazillion people. She's a married woman, this is true but I don't think he was trying to get her into bed. And we all know that Gary is a little "eccentric" but ultimately harmless. Those voices in his head have never told him to hurt anyone.

I'm thinking that , with one or two exceptions, the whole American Idol group is kinda sucky this year.

I'm wondering just how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?

I'm wishing that they still had SchoolHouse Rock on television. That is how I learned the Preamble to the Constitution when I was nine years old. I can still sing it today. (For you young folks that don't know about School House Rock, just go to YouTube).

I'm wondering what my cats would say to me if they could speak human. Probably something like: "You call this a meal.....I spit on this! Now you may pet me for 3.5 seconds and then you may feed me" (Oh, yeah, they have a French accent as well. Don't ask me why....ask them.)

I know what my dogs would say if they could speak human: "Throw the ball....throw the ball...throw the ball!"

I'm wondering how much I will inadvertently embarass my children as they get older.

I'm just sitting on a cornflake waiting for the milk to come.

I'm wondering when I will start wearing Mom Jeans.

I'm wondering if I will ever act my age.....I hope not. That's boring.

I'm wondering what my neighbors would think if I suddenly came charging out of my house and ran down the street naked. Knowing them, they would probably say something about the weather. (It's kinda warm today, ain't it?)

I love my neighbors!

Have you ever talked to your appliances and told them to hurry up or do a better job? Or is that just me?

Now I'm wondering how I'm gonna break up this fight that's about to erupt between the cats and the dog. Darnit, I see too much through this window sometimes. Maybe I should just put a curtain on the thing.

I'll think about it.

Peace alllllll.........................


Granny Annie said...

Oh my Gawd Sprinkle, you are too funny! Love this post. Thank you for defending our hometown boy Gary Busey.

My dogs and cats are all kin to your dogs and cats. Well, only one dog, but she would sell her soul to the devil if I would throw the ball for her.

Of course I raised my children with threats of embarrssment. Much much more effective than fear of whippings. If they are late getting home, go find them a group of their friends and start telling jokes. You kids will never be late again.

We are tornado alley folks ourselves. AND, a town near us named Picher is sinking into old mine strip pits.

You can sure spin a yarn girl!

Oh great One said...

The picture changed!

We got a hum dinger of a storm yesterday. I hurried up and waited for it too. I didn't know about the tornados when we moved here. I just thought I had to worry about flooding. SURPRISE!

Gary Busey is just a kooky fellow who looked to be a little hyper that day.

I hope you have a great day Sprinkle!

Ed & Jeanne said...

I'm thinking Gary Busey KNOWS how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop! Rumor has it he speaks both dog and cat really well too...

elizabeth said...

Loved this.

Too bad we couldn't time it so that the sink holes happened just at the very moment evil ex husbands were driving along....LOL.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering how much I will inadvertently embarass my children as they get older.

Take lots of pictures. Show them to whomever they bring over.