Monday, March 24, 2008

Just Trying To Be.....Smoke Free

I am starting a new phase in my life, well at least attempting to anyways.

I am trying to stop smoking....cold turkey that is. I've tried the patches and had a REALLY bad reaction to them and quite frankly I'm scared of the pills. So, it's just me. The reason I'm even bothering to post this is I may post quite frequently in the next couple of days......and I may not make much sense when I do. Or I may be just fine. I'm just gonna ride it til the wheels fall off I guess and see which way it goes.

Anyhow, I'm 10 hours in right now....almost half a day...(baby steps). That may not sound like much to some people but believe me, it's a whole lot to me :) Especially when you consider that I have already saved $2.88 and added 1 hour and 20 minutes onto my life. Grover's excited about the money saved:).....I just wanna be here longer.

Well, I'm gonna try to muddle through the rest of the day......the rest of the hour....the rest of this minute....the rest of this sentence, without caving. Can I do it? I think I can.....but I will be glad when the detox part is over and my head unfuzzes because right now concentration and I aren't really getting along....

Peace allllll................


Ed & Jeanne said...

Do you have to eat cold turkey while you quit smoking though? What if you are a vegetarian?

sprinkle4 said...

Hey,better cold turkey than Cold Ethyl any day!:)

Brown English Muffin said...

my mother stopped cold turkey and I never realized until years later how hard that must have been...she also didn't realize until many years later that I hated as child being woken up by the smell of her smoking early in the morning when I thought I should have been woken up to the smell of pancakes and bacon. She felt guilty when I told her that as she had no clue I was woken by it...I felt bad telling her after that as I had no clue she didn't know.

Granny Annie said...

I am most eager for you to be successful in this endeavor. I stopped smoking in 2003 but I never QUIT smoking. I walked out of the hospital after my heart attack and four days on morphine and simply never craved another cigarette. A power greater than my own stopped me. The way you are doing it seems much better but you are no more or less a wonderful person one way or the other. Best of luck.

Lizard said...

Thx a lot for the birthday wish. Here my support for u sis!! you can make it through Christ who gives you the strength.

Anonymous said...

Well said.