Thursday, March 13, 2008


No, I am not referring to the title of the movie. I am using dialectical Southernese, a form of language that is unable to be translated by anyone other than a Southerner. Juno is actually a shorter way of saying "did (or do) you know?", as in "Juno that man over there? Well, he's looking like he knows you." Call us lazy if you want to, I prefer to think of us Southerners as language efficient.

Anyhow. Let's see.....

I was watching Dr. Phil earlier today. I don't know why either. Just something about a loud, arrogant Texan that just greases my skillet. And he had one of those mother-in-laws on there. You of those. She doesn't like her daughter-in-law, for really no good reason, and she attempts to disrupt the girl's life as often as possible, without regard to her own son and the fact that he loves this woman. Now, I have seen this happen before, on televsion and in real life. And I just want to ask one question: Why in the world don't these husbands tell their mothers to butt out? I know, I know, they love their mothers, they don't want to hurt their feelings, blah, blah and blahdeblah. But still. If you're old enough to be married and raise a family, then you are old enough to look at your mother as a real person and have the fortitude to protect your wife from any unnecessary cruelty. If you want to still be a little boy, go back home and live with your mama.

Not saying all mothers-in-law are bad. I happen to like mine. Of course, she lives 2 states away and we only see her every 4 years or so. She talks to Grover once a week on the phone but that has nothing to do with me. We manage to co-exist at this point very happily. Of course, if we lived in the same town, we would probably manage to drive each other crazy. But that's another story for another day. She lives in Florida, the Spring Break State.

Speaking of Spring Break (nice segue huh? huh? yeah, I know:)), it starts here next Monday. This means I have a notebook sized spring cleaning list for everyone in my house. Josh gets the yard work. Ah, so nice that he's only 14 and I don't have to worry about him going out of town, getting drunk and ending up on a "Something Gone Wild" video during break. I just have to worry about him accidentally digging up my flowers from last year.

I know that eventually all of my kids will have to grow up and leave to have lives of their own. That's why I am so enjoying my days with them now. Because, right now, I'm still cool, hip, smart and funny. We all know that I will suddenly become dull, corny and out of touch soon enough:) And then they will all turn 40 and realize that no I didn't. They just thought I did.

But, meanwhile, Spring is here. New life, new growth, new perspectives, both good and bad, on a lot of things. New kittens, new kites, new flowers. New sunrises to greet and new sunsets to enjoy. Shaking off the slumber of winter, I suddenly don't feel 40 anymore. I feel a whole lot younger.

Juno what I mean?

I think you do.

Peace allllllll................


Cheryl said...

I like this blog, LOL! Sounds just like my Ex-mother in Law. Her little boy couldn't grow up, so I divorced him and sent him back home to live with Mommy and Daddy. My Ex-husband never stood up for me when I was being attacked by my in-laws. They accused me of things that weren't true and he knew it, but never took my side.

Lizard said...

Absolutely interesting on this post. Well my sis friend has this prob with his bf too as his bf said the mother is still the first place for him. I was telling my friend on your blog and she laughed too.

Oh great One said...

Greases your skillet? I LOVE that! I think I'm gonna steal it if you don't mind. If you don't then you should come knock on my door and tell me so. :)

Spring has SO sprung around here. I can't wait till I can make mine do yard work!

Granny Annie said...

Juno you're right!

The Zombieslayer said...

If you're old enough to be married and raise a family, then you are old enough to look at your mother as a real person and have the fortitude to protect your wife from any unnecessary cruelty. If you want to still be a little boy, go back home and live with your mama.

Couldn't have said it better myself. :)

My mother loves my wife deeply. I'm glad it turned out the way it did.

That's why I am so enjoying my days with them now. Because, right now, I'm still cool, hip, smart and funny.

That's awesome. We have a 13-year-old and he's convinced he knows everything already. :(

elizabeth said...

"If you want to still be a little boy, go back home and live with your mama."

Which is EXACTLY where I sent who I like to refer to as my ex husband/sperm donor. LOL

Not entirely to do with the mother in law mind you... but she certainly didn't help matters. They were pretty much an evil cult. *shivers*

Lucky for me the boyfriends parents are the two most wonderful people in the world (besides the boyfriend and the kids of course... and MY parents... lol)

I can't wait for the snow to melt. There are flowers down there somewhere...