Friday, February 29, 2008

Ramblings Of A Rumbling Mind (Or Vice Versa)

This is my 245th post. In honor of this milestone, today's topic, boys and girls, will be: general stuff that has floated through my head in the past few hours. There is really no connecting thread linking these thoughts together. This is actually how my brain works.

My right ear has a tendency to stop up whenever it rains outside or whenever it gets too cold. My right ear has been bugging me today. I wish I had a small plunger to use on it to take the pressure off of it.

The latest craze in make up has been the "natural" look. If I wanted to look natural, I wouldn't wear make up in the first place. I normally don't at home because my family is used to looking at me when I first wake up and they haven't run away yet. When I go out in public, I don't WANT to look like my natural self. People may not be able to handle it;hence, make up for me.....unless I'm going to some place like the Dollar Store, because who cares what you look like there?

I think that maybe I need to get out more. I feel that I am losing my edge and becoming dull and flaccid. I love that word.....flaccid. Say it real loud 3 times.....fllllllaaaaaaaaccccciiidddd. I need to get out in the world more and allow people more chances to irritate me.

I have two dog houses in my back yard and the dogs won't sleep in either one. They would rather sleep on the back porch.

Being 40 is harder than it looks.....believe me. Physically....I feel 40. Mentally I feel....12. And sometimes it is really hard to reconcile the two.

Sometimes I miss being young and idealistic...other times I am glad I am no longer that naive.

I don't know if you guys have Sonic resaurants where you are. If you do, try buying a bag of their ice. It is wonderful. Don't eat the food though. That's kind of gross.

The average life span of a woman in this country is like 78 years. If the Lord blesses me to live until 80, that means I am exactly half-way through my life right now. I hope the latter half is a whole lot better than the first half.

I want to read, read, read. I want to paint. I want to lie on the beach at sunset and listen to the waves crash against the shore.

I want to surprise someone in a good way.

I want to change someone's life with my words.

I want to change my own life with my actions.

I love it when it's really cold outside and you've been asleep in a toasty house all night and first thing in the morning you just open your front door and stick your head out and brrrreeeeeaathe in realllllly deeply. That's a great sensation.

I love reading to my kids but I like it better when they read to me. That way I can get misty eyed at how grown they are becoming and they won't see me.

I write letters to my kids that are not to be opened until 20 years after the date I write them. That way, in 20 years, we can all read them together and remember how wonderful life was (is) then (now).

My husband eats gross food. So do I....just not the same kind.

I smoke too much. Have tried (am trying) to quit, but with no success.....yet.

My boys like to get in the bed with me at night and I don't look forward to the day when they are too big to, or no longer want to.

They start school next year. They will probably not shed a tear on that first day. I will.

I cry a's just what I do.

I think a lot...probably too much.

I talk a whole lot....definitely too much!

I don't sleep enough.

I don't appreciate myself enough.

I count my blessings...all of them.

Don't forget to count yours.

Peace alllllllll........................


Oh great One said...

I LOVE random ramblings! It gives you such great glimpse into a person dontcha think?

My boy used to call me in to snuggle with him in his bed before he officially got up. Now that he's turned four he has decided he should get up on his own and skip that snuggle time. :(

elizabeth said...

That was a wonderful rambling and heart warming collection.

Love it - it made me laugh it made my eyes mist up...

Nice to wake up to!!


Oh great One said...

I love the new picture!

Ed & Jeanne said...

That's pretty much all I do is ramble on my blog.

I like that 20 year letter idea. I had my kids walk through their rooms one day while I had a video camera and they introduced me to all of their toys. My daughter named every one of her stuffed animals on the video. They'll really treasure that video when they are older... Right before my grandparents moved out of their house, I videotaped the entire place just the way I remembered it...before it all got passed on to family or sold. Now that they've passed on, that video is more valuable than nearly anything that was in the house.