My off days for the week are through. Tonight begins a weekend of festivity for me....yeah , right. One of our local colleges (Alabama A&M) is having their Homecoming game this Saturday. This means that they will start all of their pre-parties tonight and it will continue until well after the game Saturday night going into Sunday morning. What does this mean to me? Business.....lots and lots of business. Quite possibly ugly business at that. See, this is like the second busiest weekend of the year (asided from Oakwood alumni weekend, which is a whole different annoying animal) and the final score of the game will determine how rude my customers are this weekend. They will be rude of course....that's a given. But the worse the game goes, the ruder they get......what fun!;) Still, there is always the standard 15% on parties of six or more (thank God for that or I wouldn't make any money at all this week) and there will be several, several of those.
Plus, I still sound like a frog so I hope I don't have to yell at anyone this weekend. There goes all of my fun;).
Wish me luck good peoples!!! I'm gonna need it!
Peace alllll.......
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Speaking Of.....
nothing.......I have laryngitis. It first started last weekend (not this past weekend but the one before that)....I was really, really hoarse and once I had a couple of days off I was fine. Then I went back to work and by the time the weekend was over I was hoarse again. Now my voice is almost completely gone. Does anyone have any home remedies for laryngitis? I know the number one thing is to rest your throat and not speak if at all possible but....I have toddlers and I am required to do a lot of talking (if not yelling;)) in my job. So if anyone at all has any type of home remedy, folk cure....anything, please let me know.
One more thing.....why, when someone knows you cannot speak any louder than a whisper, do they choose that time to ask you to repeat yourself?? Just curious.
Peace alllll........
One more thing.....why, when someone knows you cannot speak any louder than a whisper, do they choose that time to ask you to repeat yourself?? Just curious.
Peace alllll........
Memories of Norman
My father loved Tammy Wynette. Most of you probably don't know who she was. She was a wonderful country singer of the 60's, 70's and 80's. Her classic hit "Stand By Your Man" is still played today. But, I digress......
My father also, as most of you know, was a raging drunk. One of the things that he liked to do when he was drunk was listen to Tammy Wynette. I never had a problem with that in theory. It was the WAY he used to do it that was a little.....different.
He would knock back a couple of six packs on a Saturday morning to start the fun. Then he would go in my room or my sister's room and get our record player. Not a stereo, not a CD player, but a real live little kids record player. (Yeah, I know ....most people don't remember those either;)) He would then proceed to take this record player out on the front porch. You heard me....the front porch. Then he would get his collection of Tammy Wynette records out (about 20 of them) put one on the record player and turn it up all the way. He would then lie down on the front porch, listen to Tammy and cry. Yes, cry......loudly.....very loudly. So, when I came home from playing at a friend's house, there would be Norman....lying on the front porch, schnockered out of his skull, wailing over Tammy. When he got drunk enough, he would pass out on the porch and we would go and get the record player and the records and put them back in the house. Him? Well, we learned after a few rounds of this that he was just too heavy to we left him there. Sound like a horrible thing for us to do? Well, as a 9 year old I was also smart enough to know that it was better to have him sleeping on the front porch drunk than in the house awake wearing his drunk out on us.
As the years went on my father continued and perfected his ability to pass out on the front porch. Not always with music...but always just in time for me to come home from school. By the time I was in high school my parents had long since divorced but good ole Norman still came around occasionally to catch a porch nap. I remember one day my friend Val had given me a ride home and she had to come in the house for something...I forget what. But as we pulled up I saw my father drunk, lounging on the porch, right in front of the front door. I was mortified. But Val parked the car, got out, walked up to the porch with me, stepped over him, said "Hey, Norman, what's up?", got what she needed and left. She has never said a word about it to this day. For this she has my eternal gratitude.
Once my mom called the cops on Norman because he was drunk and raising a ruckus. However, this was back in the day when the police would not remove a man from his home just because he was drunk and being a jerk. The cop told my mom that the only way he could arrest Norman was if he was in the street drunk or even on the curb. Then they left. So my mom waited until Norman passed out, then rolled him down to the edge of the yard. He was arrested for public intoxication. Horrible? Once again, better him sleeping it off in the drunk tank than terrorizing the house with it.
There were occasions where my father was sober....not many but there were a few. And when he was sober, he was one of the most charming, urbane, witty people you could ever meet. He could tell a tall tale and make you believe it was the gospel truth when you knew it was a lie. He was brilliant, he could make you laugh at just about anything....and he could make you forget for a time what a monster he could be. I just wish that there could have been more of the good days.....but I'll take what I can get.
And, looking back, the incidents with Tammy and the front porch were really quite funny. Maybe not so much at the time but.......(did I ever tell you that I inherited my father's sense of humor too?)
And one of the reasons that I don't drink is that I just love Patsy Cline and Luther Vandross waaaaay too much decimate their music like that;)
Peace alllll.............
My father also, as most of you know, was a raging drunk. One of the things that he liked to do when he was drunk was listen to Tammy Wynette. I never had a problem with that in theory. It was the WAY he used to do it that was a little.....different.
He would knock back a couple of six packs on a Saturday morning to start the fun. Then he would go in my room or my sister's room and get our record player. Not a stereo, not a CD player, but a real live little kids record player. (Yeah, I know ....most people don't remember those either;)) He would then proceed to take this record player out on the front porch. You heard me....the front porch. Then he would get his collection of Tammy Wynette records out (about 20 of them) put one on the record player and turn it up all the way. He would then lie down on the front porch, listen to Tammy and cry. Yes, cry......loudly.....very loudly. So, when I came home from playing at a friend's house, there would be Norman....lying on the front porch, schnockered out of his skull, wailing over Tammy. When he got drunk enough, he would pass out on the porch and we would go and get the record player and the records and put them back in the house. Him? Well, we learned after a few rounds of this that he was just too heavy to we left him there. Sound like a horrible thing for us to do? Well, as a 9 year old I was also smart enough to know that it was better to have him sleeping on the front porch drunk than in the house awake wearing his drunk out on us.
As the years went on my father continued and perfected his ability to pass out on the front porch. Not always with music...but always just in time for me to come home from school. By the time I was in high school my parents had long since divorced but good ole Norman still came around occasionally to catch a porch nap. I remember one day my friend Val had given me a ride home and she had to come in the house for something...I forget what. But as we pulled up I saw my father drunk, lounging on the porch, right in front of the front door. I was mortified. But Val parked the car, got out, walked up to the porch with me, stepped over him, said "Hey, Norman, what's up?", got what she needed and left. She has never said a word about it to this day. For this she has my eternal gratitude.
Once my mom called the cops on Norman because he was drunk and raising a ruckus. However, this was back in the day when the police would not remove a man from his home just because he was drunk and being a jerk. The cop told my mom that the only way he could arrest Norman was if he was in the street drunk or even on the curb. Then they left. So my mom waited until Norman passed out, then rolled him down to the edge of the yard. He was arrested for public intoxication. Horrible? Once again, better him sleeping it off in the drunk tank than terrorizing the house with it.
There were occasions where my father was sober....not many but there were a few. And when he was sober, he was one of the most charming, urbane, witty people you could ever meet. He could tell a tall tale and make you believe it was the gospel truth when you knew it was a lie. He was brilliant, he could make you laugh at just about anything....and he could make you forget for a time what a monster he could be. I just wish that there could have been more of the good days.....but I'll take what I can get.
And, looking back, the incidents with Tammy and the front porch were really quite funny. Maybe not so much at the time but.......(did I ever tell you that I inherited my father's sense of humor too?)
And one of the reasons that I don't drink is that I just love Patsy Cline and Luther Vandross waaaaay too much decimate their music like that;)
Peace alllll.............
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Random Happenings Around The House
Joshua has joined the Boy Scouts. He joined last week. And oh my goodness, what a round of excitement this has generated in my home. See, Grover is an Eagle Scout and has always considered his experience in the Scouts to be one of the greatest times of his life. So, fast forward 20 years and now he gets to impart all of his knowledge to a younger generation. (Of course, he is going to be an Assistant Scout Master, what else?) We had always planned on Lou and Boo being Cub Scouts but this is like Christmas come early for Grover. It's really cute to see him all excited over it. (Seriously, the man couldn't even sleep last night!)
I am throwing a Halloween party for the kids next month. We really don't like them all going trick or treating because so few people around here actually give out candy any more. And we could take them to the church festival but there are so many people there and trying to keep up with little kids in the midst of all those people and all that noise is a daunting task for even the most active of parents. Soooo, to save time and trouble, Grover and I decided to have a party for all the kids that we know...friends and extended family. It's still in the early planning stages but all the grown ups we know have come on board and it looks like it might turn out to be a lot of fun. If any of you have any suggestions for any kind of games or activities, they are more than welcome.
The painting business is finally starting to get warmed up. We have the contract for our apartment complex to start doing the rip-outs next month when they start between that and two other full time jobs and Scout meetings and kids and the holidays coming up......well, I may get to sleep sometime around January.
Oh, dear, I think I may actually be a soccer mom in the making...and given the fact that I was the punk rocker in high school with the safety pins in my face and the shaved THAT'S funny.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go bake some cookies.....or something like that.
Peace allll.........
I am throwing a Halloween party for the kids next month. We really don't like them all going trick or treating because so few people around here actually give out candy any more. And we could take them to the church festival but there are so many people there and trying to keep up with little kids in the midst of all those people and all that noise is a daunting task for even the most active of parents. Soooo, to save time and trouble, Grover and I decided to have a party for all the kids that we know...friends and extended family. It's still in the early planning stages but all the grown ups we know have come on board and it looks like it might turn out to be a lot of fun. If any of you have any suggestions for any kind of games or activities, they are more than welcome.
The painting business is finally starting to get warmed up. We have the contract for our apartment complex to start doing the rip-outs next month when they start between that and two other full time jobs and Scout meetings and kids and the holidays coming up......well, I may get to sleep sometime around January.
Oh, dear, I think I may actually be a soccer mom in the making...and given the fact that I was the punk rocker in high school with the safety pins in my face and the shaved THAT'S funny.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go bake some cookies.....or something like that.
Peace allll.........
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
38....Not Just A Bra Size
I am 38....there....I said it. And it feels good. It feels very good.
I was reading CCB's blog earlier today and he was listing the advantages of growing older. And I must say that I agree with alllll of them (except the silver haired fox're right...that only works for guys;)) And I also must say that I am sooo grateful to be where I am now in my life.
When I was 18 I thought that was great too...looking back however, I realize that there was just so much about the real world that I didn't know....I just thought I did at the time.
When I was 25 I was depressed about being 'a quarter of a century old'. (of course at the time I didn't realize that I was in the prime of my youth....not the prime of my life mind you, and there is a difference.) And I spent most of my 20's feeling kind of dumb and inexperienced about life in general....there was so much I didn't know how to do and so much that I wanted to learn. So I spent a lot of time trying to impress people.
When I was 30, I still felt like I was in my 20's...still kind of dumb and wondering where the heck my life was actually going.
When I was 33, I was feeling my youth slip away and was trying desperately to stop it. Two jobs,, run, run all the time.
When I was 35, I was having my 'oh my goodness, I am soooo close to 40' phase. That was not a good year because I still didn't understand that being thisohsoclose to 40 was not a bad thing.
Now, I am 38.....I realize that there is still a lot about the world that I don't know, I still feel kind of dumb somedays and I still don't really know where the heck my life is going. But I do know that it's been a good life so far. Moments may have sucked but all in all it hasn't been too bad. And what has been too bad I have managed to get through with most of my sanity and my sense of humor intact.
I still enjoy talking to the 20 somethings when they ask me for advice (one of the great things about being 'older' is people think you are so much smarter than you actually are;)), I like being called ma'am (sometimes)...and I can publicly announce that I actually do listen to Barry Manilow...and enjoy it.
There is just something about being over the age of 35 that is very liberating....something that makes you just not really care what other people think of you. And it makes life a whole lot more fun.
And in a couple of years I'll be 40....that oughta be a blast. I can officially start wearing really ugly clothes and funny hats...after all, that's what southern women over the age of 40 do isn't it?
Peace alll..........
I was reading CCB's blog earlier today and he was listing the advantages of growing older. And I must say that I agree with alllll of them (except the silver haired fox're right...that only works for guys;)) And I also must say that I am sooo grateful to be where I am now in my life.
When I was 18 I thought that was great too...looking back however, I realize that there was just so much about the real world that I didn't know....I just thought I did at the time.
When I was 25 I was depressed about being 'a quarter of a century old'. (of course at the time I didn't realize that I was in the prime of my youth....not the prime of my life mind you, and there is a difference.) And I spent most of my 20's feeling kind of dumb and inexperienced about life in general....there was so much I didn't know how to do and so much that I wanted to learn. So I spent a lot of time trying to impress people.
When I was 30, I still felt like I was in my 20's...still kind of dumb and wondering where the heck my life was actually going.
When I was 33, I was feeling my youth slip away and was trying desperately to stop it. Two jobs,, run, run all the time.
When I was 35, I was having my 'oh my goodness, I am soooo close to 40' phase. That was not a good year because I still didn't understand that being thisohsoclose to 40 was not a bad thing.
Now, I am 38.....I realize that there is still a lot about the world that I don't know, I still feel kind of dumb somedays and I still don't really know where the heck my life is going. But I do know that it's been a good life so far. Moments may have sucked but all in all it hasn't been too bad. And what has been too bad I have managed to get through with most of my sanity and my sense of humor intact.
I still enjoy talking to the 20 somethings when they ask me for advice (one of the great things about being 'older' is people think you are so much smarter than you actually are;)), I like being called ma'am (sometimes)...and I can publicly announce that I actually do listen to Barry Manilow...and enjoy it.
There is just something about being over the age of 35 that is very liberating....something that makes you just not really care what other people think of you. And it makes life a whole lot more fun.
And in a couple of years I'll be 40....that oughta be a blast. I can officially start wearing really ugly clothes and funny hats...after all, that's what southern women over the age of 40 do isn't it?
Peace alll..........
Friday, September 16, 2005
Smoking or Non?
I am a smoker....a cigarette smoker that is. I don't smoke as much as I used to but I still smoke. I don't smoke around the kids and I smoke outside my house when I do smoke at home so that is not a problem. I am used to that.
In accordance with a new city ordinance, my workplace is now non-smoking as well. All non-smoking. It is taking its toll on our business for the moment but I am sure that will be only temporary. People will get used to it and I don't really have a problem with that part of it. This is the part I have a problem with: we have a break area for (smoking) employees in the kitchen by the office (about 30 feet away from any food prep areas). Non-smoking employees have always been allowed to sit out in the dining room on their breaks and that has never been a problem for me either. I don't really want my non-smoking customers to see me smoking either. (Just a politeness thing I guess)
However, according to this new ordinance, smoking employees will have to smoke outside, 25 feet away from the building. This is where I have a small issue. During the daytime hours, even during the early evening hours, this is perfectly fine. But I work from 10 pm until 6 am. Which means if I want a cigarette at 3 in the morning, I have to go out the back door, walk to the dumpster and smoke in the middle of the night....alone. Now this does not seem to be an even reasonably safe practice in my opinion. I know a lot of the more militant non-smokers will say "well, quit smoking then". And yes, for my health's sake I probably should. But shouldn't that be my decision and not local government's? If I am not anywhere in the vicinity of non-smokers (so that I am not infecting them with my second-hand smoke), if I am in the break room in the back of the house, nowhere near customers or food handling areas...then what is really the point? It's not the fact that I would be annoying customers, or endangering them. It is simply, in my opinion, (my opinion only) another way of the government attempting to make the general population cow to their wishes. It is an attempt by our government to regulate my personal actions.
Now, please don't take me the wrong way. I know that smoking is unhealthy and I would not jeopardize anyone else's health by smoking around them, and I know that not everyone is polite with their bad habits and we have to have some sort of rules or else people would do whatever they wanted whenever they wanted. However, the issue here really isn't about smoking. It is about the systematic stripping away of our personal freedoms. You can't smoke here can't eat beef jerky tomorrow. You can't eat beef jerky tomorrow and next month you can't marry the man you are in love with because you might not produce aesthecially pleasing children. Think that you reallllly have freedom of speech? Not with the Echelon system firmly in place you don't. You think that the government doesn't know more about your life than you do? Think twice.
To most people this post may sound like the ramblings of a paranoid individual. Not so. If I were paranoid, I would think that everyone was out to get me. As it is now, I have a lot more trust in a stranger on the street than I do my own government. They are already in our workplaces, our streetlights, our computer systems and who knows where else. Where does it end? Does it end when OUR government bans lip synching or tells us we can only have two children per household? We are supposed to be the best government in the world, the model of democracy....a government by the people and for the people, not exclusively for a bunch of old, rich white guys in Washington.
Before I get slammed with a lot of those "you are anti-American" comments, let me make one thing perfectly clear. I love my country. I LOVE MY COUNTRY. It is the best country in the world, bar none. It's our government that I hate. So my mayor can put that in her pipe and smoke it....outside by the dumpster with me.
Peace alllll..........
In accordance with a new city ordinance, my workplace is now non-smoking as well. All non-smoking. It is taking its toll on our business for the moment but I am sure that will be only temporary. People will get used to it and I don't really have a problem with that part of it. This is the part I have a problem with: we have a break area for (smoking) employees in the kitchen by the office (about 30 feet away from any food prep areas). Non-smoking employees have always been allowed to sit out in the dining room on their breaks and that has never been a problem for me either. I don't really want my non-smoking customers to see me smoking either. (Just a politeness thing I guess)
However, according to this new ordinance, smoking employees will have to smoke outside, 25 feet away from the building. This is where I have a small issue. During the daytime hours, even during the early evening hours, this is perfectly fine. But I work from 10 pm until 6 am. Which means if I want a cigarette at 3 in the morning, I have to go out the back door, walk to the dumpster and smoke in the middle of the night....alone. Now this does not seem to be an even reasonably safe practice in my opinion. I know a lot of the more militant non-smokers will say "well, quit smoking then". And yes, for my health's sake I probably should. But shouldn't that be my decision and not local government's? If I am not anywhere in the vicinity of non-smokers (so that I am not infecting them with my second-hand smoke), if I am in the break room in the back of the house, nowhere near customers or food handling areas...then what is really the point? It's not the fact that I would be annoying customers, or endangering them. It is simply, in my opinion, (my opinion only) another way of the government attempting to make the general population cow to their wishes. It is an attempt by our government to regulate my personal actions.
Now, please don't take me the wrong way. I know that smoking is unhealthy and I would not jeopardize anyone else's health by smoking around them, and I know that not everyone is polite with their bad habits and we have to have some sort of rules or else people would do whatever they wanted whenever they wanted. However, the issue here really isn't about smoking. It is about the systematic stripping away of our personal freedoms. You can't smoke here can't eat beef jerky tomorrow. You can't eat beef jerky tomorrow and next month you can't marry the man you are in love with because you might not produce aesthecially pleasing children. Think that you reallllly have freedom of speech? Not with the Echelon system firmly in place you don't. You think that the government doesn't know more about your life than you do? Think twice.
To most people this post may sound like the ramblings of a paranoid individual. Not so. If I were paranoid, I would think that everyone was out to get me. As it is now, I have a lot more trust in a stranger on the street than I do my own government. They are already in our workplaces, our streetlights, our computer systems and who knows where else. Where does it end? Does it end when OUR government bans lip synching or tells us we can only have two children per household? We are supposed to be the best government in the world, the model of democracy....a government by the people and for the people, not exclusively for a bunch of old, rich white guys in Washington.
Before I get slammed with a lot of those "you are anti-American" comments, let me make one thing perfectly clear. I love my country. I LOVE MY COUNTRY. It is the best country in the world, bar none. It's our government that I hate. So my mayor can put that in her pipe and smoke it....outside by the dumpster with me.
Peace alllll..........
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Man Oh Man
I really hate to complain but sometimes it seems as if women got the short end of the stick on this whole 'man/woman partnership' thing. I know Eve was the first one to bite the apple (or whatever fruit it was) and Adam merely followed her lead. But consider:
1. Women not only have to be the ones who are pregnant for 9 months and then give birth (16 hours of agonizing labor I tell ya....16 HOURS!! (sorry ...just practicing for my son's guilt trip in a few years;))) but we also have: menstrual cycles, PMS, hormonal imbalances, possible osteoperosis and mustaches after a certain age.
2. Older men are considered "dignified", "sophisticated", "sexy". Older women are considered " little old ladies".
3. Most of the time, women are responsible for the whole birth control thing. (Don't even get me started on that)
4. It is far more acceptable for men to walk around with beer guts and saggy pants than it is a woman. (not that I aspire to do that but that's not the point.)
5. Everytime a woman gets upset, so many people assume that "it's that time of the month". When men get upset, they can do so freely and simply be considered a jerk, not a premenstrual jerk.
6. There is still a social stigma attached to older women/younger men...but older men can walk around with some vacant eyed 18 year old girl and their friends are like "HOORAH!" (not realizing they both look equally ridiculous)
7. Women have to wear bras. Men can't even keep their underwear clean.
8.Men will never know the joy of walking around all day in high heeled shoes, control top pantyhose, and enough makeup to cover up how they REALLY look. They also have never had to sleep on curlers.
9. Men can go outside bare chested and not get arrested. Laughed at, maybe, but not put in jail for it.
10. A man can still refer to his wife as 'the little woman' but I have never heard a woman refer to her husband as 'the little man'.
One of these days, when I am 105 and have a lot more to vent about, when I get to Heaven, Eve and I are going to have a reallllly long talk.
Peace allll.............
1. Women not only have to be the ones who are pregnant for 9 months and then give birth (16 hours of agonizing labor I tell ya....16 HOURS!! (sorry ...just practicing for my son's guilt trip in a few years;))) but we also have: menstrual cycles, PMS, hormonal imbalances, possible osteoperosis and mustaches after a certain age.
2. Older men are considered "dignified", "sophisticated", "sexy". Older women are considered " little old ladies".
3. Most of the time, women are responsible for the whole birth control thing. (Don't even get me started on that)
4. It is far more acceptable for men to walk around with beer guts and saggy pants than it is a woman. (not that I aspire to do that but that's not the point.)
5. Everytime a woman gets upset, so many people assume that "it's that time of the month". When men get upset, they can do so freely and simply be considered a jerk, not a premenstrual jerk.
6. There is still a social stigma attached to older women/younger men...but older men can walk around with some vacant eyed 18 year old girl and their friends are like "HOORAH!" (not realizing they both look equally ridiculous)
7. Women have to wear bras. Men can't even keep their underwear clean.
8.Men will never know the joy of walking around all day in high heeled shoes, control top pantyhose, and enough makeup to cover up how they REALLY look. They also have never had to sleep on curlers.
9. Men can go outside bare chested and not get arrested. Laughed at, maybe, but not put in jail for it.
10. A man can still refer to his wife as 'the little woman' but I have never heard a woman refer to her husband as 'the little man'.
One of these days, when I am 105 and have a lot more to vent about, when I get to Heaven, Eve and I are going to have a reallllly long talk.
Peace allll.............
Monday, September 12, 2005


My, how you have gone from such a serious one year old to such a goofy 12 year old! Just wanted to tell ya HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY my biggest boy.....just one more year and you'll be an official teenager. Now if only time would slow up just a bit so I can enjoy this as long as possible.:)
Love ya Josh!!!!
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Money Talks
Maybe it's just me...but I don't think it's about race. I don't think that skin color had anything to do really with the government's response (or lack thereof) to the Katrina disaster. I think it had more to do with the color of people's money (or lack thereof).
See, the government doesn't really care what color you are. They care how much money you have. And if you don't fall into the higher income tax bracket, well then you're basically on your own. ( And please, before you start ranting about 'federal programs' designed to help the 'financially challenged'....take a good long look at these programs. Most of them are outdated, understaffed and, by the time corrupt leaders take their pound of flesh out, woefully underfinanced.)
Unfortunately, the preponderance of people who live below the poverty line or just right above it are not caucasian. They are Blacks and Hispanics. Therefore, you get the idea that it is black people that the Bush administration cares so little about. Not true. The Bush administration, just like EVERY presidency before it (be they Dem or Republican) doesn't really care about ANYONE. It's just that money equals power; consequently, they are reallllly not concerned with those that have no money. Because if your main concern is feeding your family, what can you do to make a difference to the President? Or the governor? Or the mayor? Nothing but a lot of talking, which goes in one ear and out the other.
I think what I am most angry about is this: we have seen the carnage, we have seen the bodies in the street, we have seen the suffering. And we have seen our President, the leader of our country, the most powerful man in the world...delivering lip service and posing for photo ops. Patting these people on the head like they are his pet dogs, like they are mentally challenged children who don't know how to tie their own shoes. Thinking that his trite cliches delivered with all the sincerity of a Gap store sales clerk are going to make these people feel better about things. Why don't you pretend it was your own family George, your own daughters, your own wife? Maybe even your own dog? (Who I'm sure receives more genuine caring from you than the people of this country do) Wipe that half-witted smirk off of your face and get down here in the dirt with the real people who are having to deal with this mess...not surrounded by a council of 'advisors' who have no more idea of what is really going on than you do.
I know that we don't have the finances to back any presidential campaigns, or to buy our senator's votes. But we are still American, white, what the heck ever. We were born in this country and by virtue of that we deserve the same thing that the wealthy deserve. Your leadership, your sincerity, your compassion and your time. I don't think that I am asking for much....all I'm asking is that you do your JOB. (You know....job...that thing most of us have to do or else get fired. Hmmmm....fired....there's a thought)
And that's all I have to say about that....for now.
Peace alllll......
See, the government doesn't really care what color you are. They care how much money you have. And if you don't fall into the higher income tax bracket, well then you're basically on your own. ( And please, before you start ranting about 'federal programs' designed to help the 'financially challenged'....take a good long look at these programs. Most of them are outdated, understaffed and, by the time corrupt leaders take their pound of flesh out, woefully underfinanced.)
Unfortunately, the preponderance of people who live below the poverty line or just right above it are not caucasian. They are Blacks and Hispanics. Therefore, you get the idea that it is black people that the Bush administration cares so little about. Not true. The Bush administration, just like EVERY presidency before it (be they Dem or Republican) doesn't really care about ANYONE. It's just that money equals power; consequently, they are reallllly not concerned with those that have no money. Because if your main concern is feeding your family, what can you do to make a difference to the President? Or the governor? Or the mayor? Nothing but a lot of talking, which goes in one ear and out the other.
I think what I am most angry about is this: we have seen the carnage, we have seen the bodies in the street, we have seen the suffering. And we have seen our President, the leader of our country, the most powerful man in the world...delivering lip service and posing for photo ops. Patting these people on the head like they are his pet dogs, like they are mentally challenged children who don't know how to tie their own shoes. Thinking that his trite cliches delivered with all the sincerity of a Gap store sales clerk are going to make these people feel better about things. Why don't you pretend it was your own family George, your own daughters, your own wife? Maybe even your own dog? (Who I'm sure receives more genuine caring from you than the people of this country do) Wipe that half-witted smirk off of your face and get down here in the dirt with the real people who are having to deal with this mess...not surrounded by a council of 'advisors' who have no more idea of what is really going on than you do.
I know that we don't have the finances to back any presidential campaigns, or to buy our senator's votes. But we are still American, white, what the heck ever. We were born in this country and by virtue of that we deserve the same thing that the wealthy deserve. Your leadership, your sincerity, your compassion and your time. I don't think that I am asking for much....all I'm asking is that you do your JOB. (You know....job...that thing most of us have to do or else get fired. Hmmmm....fired....there's a thought)
And that's all I have to say about that....for now.
Peace alllll......
Monday, September 05, 2005
It's been 8 years today.
There are days when I wake up, for a second I forget that you are gone...and then I remember.
There are days when I call Joshua's name and I almost call yours right behind it...and then I remember.
There are holidays and events where I do the 'kid count' and miscount a couple of times..and then I remember.
The remembering I have learned to deal with.
It's the forgetting that's hard.
I love you.
I miss you.
I'll see you when we get there.
There are days when I wake up, for a second I forget that you are gone...and then I remember.
There are days when I call Joshua's name and I almost call yours right behind it...and then I remember.
There are holidays and events where I do the 'kid count' and miscount a couple of times..and then I remember.
The remembering I have learned to deal with.
It's the forgetting that's hard.
I love you.
I miss you.
I'll see you when we get there.
Friday, September 02, 2005
I could not be more proud of or more thankful for my fellow countrymen and women.
I could not be more ashamed of the leaders of our federal government.
I could not be more ashamed of the leaders of our federal government.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
The Best and The Worst
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."-A Tale of Two Cities
This is a tale of one city....and one country.
I have been watching the coverage of Katrina and the aftermath for several days now. I have been alternately awestruck, revolted, angered, and moved to tears at the images that I have seen. I have seen the best and the worst of human nature.
I have watched people looting stores and running through the flooded streets like they were on holiday. Not just grabbing food, water and diapers. That would be understandable; you have to survive. But clothes and furniture? Attempting to profit off of someone's tragedy?
I have seen people screaming for help and being ignored, violence bubbling just underneath the surface of fear. People shooting at the very ones who are trying to help them. People complaining that the help isn't coming fast enough. Dead bodies floating in the water and the walking dead who have lost their families, their homes, their everything and people right next to them who are beginning to turn on one another because they don't know where else to turn.
I have also watched as people have gone down there to help. People who have sent money, blood, food, supplies, water. People from Texas to Alabama to Tennessee who have opened their homes to people they don't even know. Churches here and in other areas that have been opened as shelters. Corporations that have donated millions of dollars, cars, trucks, helicopters, building supplies and other necessities. Medical personnel that have volunteered time and skill. State governments who have stepped in to provide whatever help they can. Local hotels that have allowed people to stay for free until they can find other accomodations. Refugees that have come to my town and others to find work have been given whatever jobs have been available to tide them over until they can go back home, if they can ever go back.
It has been a nightmare and will continue to be so for some time. The situation is desperate and it looks like it will get worse before it gets better. However, it will get better. I know this because I know my country. This is the United States of America . We may not always agree with each other; shoot, we may not always even LIKE each other but when push comes to shove we take care of our own. It's what we do.
I would like to ask each and every one of you to help in any way that you can. A dollar at one of the local collection agencies helps. Give blood; it will be in short supply soon. Donate food, water, toiletries, anything that you can. I am sure that you have local collection agencies in your area. If not, then ask the Red Cross where you can make a donation. Send a don't even have to leave your house to do that.
Just try to help....any way that you can. Because the next time, and there will be a next time (there always is), it could be you and yours.
Peace alllll.........
This is a tale of one city....and one country.
I have been watching the coverage of Katrina and the aftermath for several days now. I have been alternately awestruck, revolted, angered, and moved to tears at the images that I have seen. I have seen the best and the worst of human nature.
I have watched people looting stores and running through the flooded streets like they were on holiday. Not just grabbing food, water and diapers. That would be understandable; you have to survive. But clothes and furniture? Attempting to profit off of someone's tragedy?
I have seen people screaming for help and being ignored, violence bubbling just underneath the surface of fear. People shooting at the very ones who are trying to help them. People complaining that the help isn't coming fast enough. Dead bodies floating in the water and the walking dead who have lost their families, their homes, their everything and people right next to them who are beginning to turn on one another because they don't know where else to turn.
I have also watched as people have gone down there to help. People who have sent money, blood, food, supplies, water. People from Texas to Alabama to Tennessee who have opened their homes to people they don't even know. Churches here and in other areas that have been opened as shelters. Corporations that have donated millions of dollars, cars, trucks, helicopters, building supplies and other necessities. Medical personnel that have volunteered time and skill. State governments who have stepped in to provide whatever help they can. Local hotels that have allowed people to stay for free until they can find other accomodations. Refugees that have come to my town and others to find work have been given whatever jobs have been available to tide them over until they can go back home, if they can ever go back.
It has been a nightmare and will continue to be so for some time. The situation is desperate and it looks like it will get worse before it gets better. However, it will get better. I know this because I know my country. This is the United States of America . We may not always agree with each other; shoot, we may not always even LIKE each other but when push comes to shove we take care of our own. It's what we do.
I would like to ask each and every one of you to help in any way that you can. A dollar at one of the local collection agencies helps. Give blood; it will be in short supply soon. Donate food, water, toiletries, anything that you can. I am sure that you have local collection agencies in your area. If not, then ask the Red Cross where you can make a donation. Send a don't even have to leave your house to do that.
Just try to help....any way that you can. Because the next time, and there will be a next time (there always is), it could be you and yours.
Peace alllll.........
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